Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1774: Everlasting Soul 2

Xia Weibao glanced behind him, and there were still a lot of vehicles on the highway at this point.

Everything is normal, nothing unusual.

She retracted her gaze, her mind slightly restless.

"What's wrong?" asked Lu Hualiang, who was driving.

"I feel someone is following, it may be an illusion."

Lu Hua's mouth ticked, "It's not an illusion."

After talking about the steering wheel, the car suddenly drove into the side road.

There are a lot of cars on the road. Lu Hualiang relies on his good driving skills, and the cars come and go like ghosts.

After turning a few turns, he successfully dumped the person following behind.

Take out your phone, edit a text message while driving and send it out, someone will handle it.

"Who is following us?" Xia Weibao was a little sorry.

Why did you get rid of it? You should find a remote place to defend yourself.

Hey, who made her a lady? I dare not mention such good suggestions.

Lu Hualiang let go of the phone, and took out a hand to rub her soft hair, "It may be from the Nanguo Group, or it may be the Yang family, don't worry, it's okay."

Today, he deployed the security of the imperial city again. If anyone does something in the imperial city, he will not be able to escape his eyes!

After the two had eaten, they did not rush to go back, but went for a walk along the river.

In summer, the wind on the riverside is very cold, and many people like to stroll here, especially couples.

The evening breeze is blowing, it is cool and comfortable.

Xia Weibao stood by the river, lying on the guardrail, pouting his **** very casually.

Feeling the comfort of the cool breeze, the warm chest pressed against him.

Xia Weibao, "..."

He twisted his body dissatisfiedly. It was late at night, there was no air-conditioning outside, and it was very hot to hold him together.

Lu Hualiang didn't care about her, and pressed her body tighter, holding her small body into his arms.

"Aren't you hot."

Lu Hualiang lowered his head and kissed her ear, "Wife, are you very hot, do you want to go back and help you reduce the fire?"

The empress doesn't want to talk anymore, this heat is not the other heat, hey!

Just trying to make him let go, don't hold it so tightly, and noticed that Dao's sharp gaze swept past her.

Xia Weibao's complexion changed, and she turned her head back and looked in the direction where her sight was coming.

However, there was nothing but a small couple kissing secretly in the dark.

"What's wrong?" Lu Hualiang asked.

"Husband, did you feel who was watching us just now?"

Lu Hualiang glanced at her gaze and pondered for a second, "I didn't notice it, but I saw a couple kissing over there. Wife, do you want to try it."

Xia Weibao gave him a white look, "Be serious."

"Really not."

After speaking, the face of the woman in her arms changed again, she pushed him away, and walked two steps forward.

"Strange, disappeared again."

Lu Hualiang followed, "Do you think someone is following?"

Xia Weibao nodded, it shouldn't be, the line of sight was so obvious, she had noticed it, how could Lu Hualiang feel nothing.

Or, is that line of sight only aimed at her?

While in doubt, he saw Long Xuanye's figure suddenly coming out of the darkness.

He was still in white, with a gloomy look in his eyes coming out of the shadow, with a cold air.

Like a ghost and a ghost.

Xia Weibao screamed in fright and hurriedly hid in Lu Hualiang's arms.

"What's the matter?" Lu Hualiang caught the person, brushing the floor and turning his head, there was nothing there.

"What did you see?" he asked with a frown.

Xia Weibao's face was a little pale, holding his hand, "Husband, let's go home."

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