Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1799: You have imprisoned me!

Staring obsessively at the snow-like skin on her body, slowly lowered her head...

This is his woman.

From now on, she will never let go of her hand.

Just when his lips were about to kiss the snowy skin on her chest, his shoulder suddenly hurt.

Long Xuanye raised his head in astonishment, staring at Shang Xia Weibao in panic.

Her face was pale, her breathing was short, but her expression was so cruel that she wanted to drag him to hell!

The hateful face, like a sharp blade, plunged into Long Xuanye's heart fiercely.

Time reincarnation, met again, even if she lost her memory, she still hated him to the bone.

He slowly moved his gaze to his shoulders, where a pair of pale little hands were holding a piece of glass shards and pierced **** his shoulders.

It was the broken glass that she hid when she knocked over dinner two days ago and was hidden by the bed just in case.

Unexpectedly, it really came in handy.

The white sportswear oozes traces of blood.

She is too weak now, even if she burst out with great strength in a hurry, she can only pierce him a little bit through the cloth.

No pain, no pain in my heart.

Long Xuanye saw the wound in his eyes, "You want to kill me?"

Xia Weibao's face became savage, "Long Xuanye, if you dare to touch me, I will drag you to hell!"

"Then... let's go to **** together."

After Long Xuanye finished speaking, her big palm covered her hand holding the shard of glass, and with a little force, the sharp glass plunged into the flesh.

The blood was so intense that he dyed his white clothes red.

But he was smiling, "Junior Sister, die with me, reincarnate together, and we will continue our relationship in the next life, so that there will be no one else."

With a smile on his face, and the increasing strength of his hands, Xia Weibao truly felt that she had a neurosis!

As the blood flowed more and more, she looked at the bright red liquid that kept oozing out, and there was a sting in her brain, and a **** color suddenly appeared in front of her eyes.

Blood, a lot of blood.

Blood flows into rivers, piles of corpses into mountains.

Sorrows are everywhere, ghosts cry and wolf howling.

Scarlet, fire, sword light and sword shadow.

The scene of the torture flashed quickly, and a group of figures fell in front of her, one by one, fresh lives flowed away.

The heart ached without warning, Xia Weibao slammed his heart, and the moment of heartache almost killed her.

His mouth was slightly open, but he could not breathe a trace of air.

Her brain stabbed like a needle, she covered her head with her hands and let out a miserable scream, "Ah--"

The sudden loss of control caused Long Xuanye's fierce face to change suddenly and panic.

"Junior sister, what's wrong with you, junior sister."

"It hurts, my head hurts."

Xia Weibao pressed her head firmly, but still couldn't stop the sting.

It was so painful, my hands clenched into fists and beat my head continuously.

The brain was blank, the blood was gone, the fire was gone. After a while, the picture changed, and the magnificent hall was like a gorgeous prison. A slender woman was lying on the ground in pain and despair.

He raised his head, his face was as pale as a female ghost.

The most trembling thing is those eyes.

What kind of eyes are those, the piercing cold, the hideous hatred, the madness that destroys everything!

In the center of the main hall, there is a man with a long body like jade fluttering in white, looking at the woman lying on the ground with heartache.

Those two people, that is...

Xia Weibao raised his head suddenly, his eyes slowly condensed, and his face was full of shock.

Looking at Long Xuanye, who was anxious, in disbelief, "You used to imprison me!"

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