Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1800: Is it love or hate!

Long Xuanye's complexion changed drastically, and he couldn't stop panicking, "What did you say?"

"You used to imprison me, right! A magnificent palace!"

"I do not have!"

Long Xuanye got up suddenly, ran out staggeringly, tripped in a panic, and fell to the ground.

He dared not look back, and ran away embarrassed.

Xia Weibao fell on the bed feebly, trying to recall the scenes he had just seen.

But I found that I couldn't remember anything.

Long Xuanye is too abnormal, their past is definitely not as good as he said!

He must have concealed a lot of things, otherwise, how could he not even have the courage to face her!

However, I can't remember.

Why can't she remember, is she, like Lu Hualiang, had her memory washed away?


That kind of memory-cleansing poison was developed by her, how could she not know about Chinese medicine!

This situation is ruled out.

Why would she forget the past?

Still, she did not reincarnate with memories like them.

Things were like mist in the water, which made her crazy.

terribly upset.

The little maid came in again and brought a set of clothes for her to change.

"Miss, you can eat some, why bother with your own body."

Xia Weibao did not respond.

The little maid continued, "The master really loves you, maybe his method is a bit extreme, but it's just because he loves you too much."

Seeing that he had been talking for a long time, Xia Weibao didn't even speak, but tilted his head, as if quietly asleep.

The little maid sighed and took away the food.

About an hour later, a team of medical teams wearing Bai Dagua came in, held her hand, and put a needle.

I don't know what to inject into her body.

"What are you doing!" Xia Weibao was shocked.

One of the medical staff smiled friendly, "Miss don't worry, it's the nutrient solution, Mr. Long said, if you refuse to eat, then you will inject the nutrient solution."

Xia Weibao looked at the big bottle of nutrient solution and laughed at herself, not even giving her the chance of death.

Yang Zixin came to see Long Xuanye. As soon as he walked into the hall, he heard a loud bang from the third floor.

He frowned. "What sound."

The little maid said respectfully, "Maybe Miss Xia has lost her temper again, Mr. Yang, please, the master is already waiting in the study."

Yang Zixin hesitated, instead of following the maid to the study, he lifted upstairs.

When I came to the master bedroom on the third floor, I saw several doctors cleaning up the mess on the ground.

The shelf for hanging water was overturned, and the potion spilled all over the floor.

By the bed, several nurses were pressing the person on the bed, "Miss, calm down, your hands are bleeding."

The nurses blocked their vision. Yang Zixin couldn't see the person on the bed, but he could see blood stains on a pale and withered hand, which the nurse wiped with cotton.

He walked over and suffocated his breath when he saw Xia Weibao who was so thin on the bed.

How could this be!

The Xia Weibao in the impression is so beautiful and temperamental, her skin can be broken by blows, and her complexion is like a peach blossom.

But now, he was so thin that there was only a pair of bones left, and his face was pale without a trace of blood, and the sickness tortured him to be so haggard and dull.

Is this the Xia Weibao he knew?

Long Xuanye said that loving her would give her happiness. Is this what he said to give her happiness?

Torture people to half their lives?

Is it love or hate!

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