Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1840: Niangniang restores her memories two thousand years ago 9

The little maid was so embarrassed that she went round and round.

She didn't dare to make a decision without authorization, if something happened, the master would not let her go.

"Miss, wait, I'll call the master."

However, no one answered.

Long Xuanye is very busy now, and Lu Hualiang came in person. He wanted to take Xia Weibao away without knowing it.

There was no time to answer the phone at all, even if the phone rang.

Seeing Xia Weibao's face getting worse and worse, the little maid had no choice but to help her get the silver needle.

If something happens to the child in Xia Weibao's stomach, she won't have enough nine lives to accompany her!

In the eyes of these people, the child in Xia Weibao's belly belonged to Long Xuanye.

After all, Xia Weibao's identity is now Long Xuanye's woman, and it is reasonable to carry his child.

Long Xuanye also cared about this child.

The silver needles were soon brought, Xia Weibao gave herself acupuncture, and then asked the maid to bring the anti-fetal medicine, which relieved her energy.

When I first went to bed, I was so emotional that I almost hurt the child.

The little maid was very cautious. After she finished the acupuncture and moxibustion, she counted all the silver needles to make sure that none of them fell.

The last infusion needle was hidden by Xia Weibao and almost escaped.

The punishment after the incident was very heavy. All members of the medical team were killed.

None of the guards who took care of that night was spared.

Since that time, everyone is in danger, and no one dared to be careless about guarding Xia Weibao.

Xia Weibao was a little numb to her cautious appearance. She only cared about the child in her stomach now.

After the body stabilized, it was already dark.

After a day of torment, my spirits got worse and worse, and I was too tired to sit still.

Xia Weibao had eaten, and went to bed after taking a bath.

For fear of having nightmares at night, she specially ordered the little maid to make a bowl of soothing soup.

I hope I can sleep more peacefully.

During this period of time, I don't know what's going on. I always dream of events two thousand years ago, but I can't remember them all.

Could it be that she spent a long time with Long Xuanye, so she activated her memory two thousand years ago?

After drinking the medicine, sleepiness struck, and soon fell asleep.

The little maid was worried, staying in the room, waiting for Xia Weibao to fall asleep before leaving.

After drinking the Soothing Soup, Xia Weibao fell asleep deeply.

However, in the middle of the night, she began to have nightmares again.

And this nightmare is no longer as vague as before, only a piece of blood red and a piece of wailing can be seen, but it is clearly seen.

Everything spread out, but people calmed down.

I don't know if it is the effect of Anshen Soup.

There is no anxiety, no anxiety, just lying quietly, crying silently.

The tragic scenes two thousand years ago reappeared like yesterday, with hatred deep in the bones and heartache.

Childhood sweetheart, two little widows, regaining the country, conquering, his yellow robe was added, and the king came to the world, her family was ruined, she became a prisoner, and finally died with hatred.

"Long Xuanye, the thing I regret most is to meet you. If there is another life, you will definitely be better off than death!"

This is her last last words before the suicide.

Like a curse, recalling in the magnificent hall.

She died, reincarnated with boundless hatred.

She also knew the secret technique of reincarnation with memory, and it was in the library of the school.

When she drank Mengpo soup after death, she drank it without hesitation.

I just want to forget that tragic experience, forget the cruel and unfeeling man, and reincarnate.

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