Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1841: Niangniang restores her memories two thousand years ago 10

Xia Weibao opened her eyes, looking at the ceiling with tears, her eyes hollow.

Eyes have been open for a long time, some pantothenic acid.

She closed her eyes, tears running down the corners of her eyes, and sank into the pillow.

There, a large area was already wet.

The body twitched lightly, and her chest rose and fell slightly, revealing her true emotions.

Not as calm as the surface.

The corners of her mouth twitched as she held back the cry. She bit her lip to prevent herself from crying.

I haven't opened my eyes for fear that I can't control the hatred inside!

I don't know how long it took, until the mood eased a little, she got up calmly and rang the bell for the little maid to bring breakfast in.

When she came out of the bathroom, the maid had already set up the breakfast.

"Miss, please have breakfast."

Xia Weibao walked to the bed with a blank face and sat down, eating quietly.

She has a cold expression, which is different from the numb indifference of the past. Today's cold is cold, with a cowardly oppressive feeling.

Obviously the same person, but the aura is completely different.

Ling Li, strong.

No longer as lifeless as before, but a dormant leopard, which may burst into danger at any time.

"Miss, are you... all right."

"It's okay, you can go out." Xia Weibao said calmly.

The little maid quickly turned and ran out, called Long Xuanye, but no one answered.

She felt that there was something wrong with Xia Weibao today, too calm, like the tranquility before the storm.

It is chilling.

The phone is really unreachable, so I can only let other people contact me.

Turning back to the room, Xia Weibao still ate breakfast quietly.

She eats very seriously, and she eats a lot, as if she is eating for a certain purpose.

"Miss, is there anything I need to do." The little maid was very upset and could only ask for something to say.

"Help me get the anti-fetal medicine."

"It's finished, do I need to bring it to you now."

"Well, take it in."

The little maid turned and went out, and soon came in with a bowl of medicine.

"Let it go, you go out." Xia Weibao said calmly.

The little maid hesitated and went out nervously.

Standing at the door did not go.

Xia Weibao was eating mechanically. She hadn't eaten properly for many days, and her body's nutrition couldn't keep up.

In the belly, this is her and Lu Hualiang's child, who tossed their body like this for a scumbag, and almost killed the emperor's child, too stupid!

I ate all the breakfast seriously, even if I couldn’t eat it, I ate it seriously.

Then, I drank the antifetal medicine.

After eating, Xia Weibao touched his stomach with a gentle expression.

"Baby, mom will take you to see Dad today, okay?

Dad doesn't know your existence yet. I will be very happy to see you. Are you happy? "

When he raised his head, his eyes were already cold.

She picked up the bowl from which she had just drunk the medicine, her eyes cold.

The fingers pressed lightly, and only a click was heard, and the crack began to crack from the position where her fingers were pinched, like spider silk, and instantly spread to the entire bowl.

Then, with a bang to her, the porcelain bowl was broken into several neatly arranged pieces.

The little maid was waiting uncomfortably at the door. When she heard the door opening behind her, she was shocked and turned around abruptly.

I saw Xia Weibao with a frosty face standing behind him.


Before the words were spoken, the little maid just felt a pain in her legs, and she knelt forward.

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