Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1842: I never loved you 1

I saw her knees were already bright red, blood gurgling out, staining the ground red.

The little maid looked at the two broken tiles on her knees in horror, her entire face twisted together in pain.

Xia Weibao looked condescendingly, her eyes indifferent, "For the sake of you serving me for more than two months, you will save your life today."

With that, raised his foot, walked around the maid and walked downstairs.

The corridors on both sides, and the people guarding below, all rushed up when they heard the movement here.

The visitors were all dressed in black and black trousers, with a cold breath, and their complexion looked like a bloodless ghost.

The speed is extremely fast, like the ghost of the dark night.

Xia Weibao's eyes slowly narrowed, these were actually dead men.

Unexpectedly, Long Xuanye was so capable, he actually trained modern people to become dead men in ancient times.

But so what.

Don't forget, she is also an ancient person, and she is also an ancient person with inner strength!

With a light movement of the wrist, two pieces of broken porcelain flew out and went straight to the center of the eyebrows of the two men in the front of the corridor.

Killed on the spot!

Seeing this, others are on guard.

At this time, everyone understood that the woman in front of them was no longer the weak woman who had no power to bind the chicken yesterday!

It's a cruel killing machine!

These people are all specially trained to avoid bullets, how can the speed of broken tiles compare with bullets!

So they were not very worried, they all moved, their footsteps flashed quickly, and they approached at a special pace.

Xia Weibao's eyes were cold, watching these people's movements as if watching a group of poor insects.

Do they think they can avoid it this way.

The speed is indeed fast enough. If she only hits blindly, she probably won't hit any of them.

However, she was also an ancient person, and she went out of the same class as Long Xuanye, how could she not know the number of his training.

She knows how these people will take the first step, and she is naturally able to accurately determine which direction they will go next, and even what speed they will go.

With a few movements of his wrist, several pieces of broken porcelain flew out, and the black figures rushing in front suddenly stopped.

He lowered his head, looked at the bleeding wound on his chest in disbelief, and finally fell unwillingly.

Until they died, they couldn't understand why bullets could escape, but they couldn't escape this piece of porcelain...

Several people fell again, and the people behind were more vigilant and rushed down faster.

Xia Weibao’s face was cold, and her eyes were calm. From her face, she couldn’t tell that she was doing such a cruel murder.

The leisurely posture, on the contrary, was like going down the stairs.

However, wherever he went, there was a dead body.

The dead men were killed before they were two meters around her.

She is very clear about her current situation, there is a child in her belly, and she can't move too much.

Therefore, only hidden weapons can be used.

More and more people were killed. The dead soldiers guarding outside all rushed in. Seeing that there were corpses on the stairs, not only did not flinch, but they all rushed up.

For these dead men, there is no death in their eyes, only mission goals.

The task they received was to prevent Xia Weibao from leaving the villa, so it must be completed.

Otherwise, it is a **** battle to death!

Seeing more and more people, Xia Weibao didn't move his eyes, and walked down in a leisurely way.

It's just that the wrist moved faster.

Touching the belly, it is not suitable to see blood in pregnancy.

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