Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1867: Afterlife, never meet again 6

Looking at the open space in front of me, I can still see her dancing here.

Just like back then, their childhood sweethearts, two little guesses.

The two dressed in white robes and dance by the Qingqing River.

Memories are so beautiful, so beautiful to heartbreak.

She was willing to dance with him that day. He was so happy that he almost couldn't help but recognize her.

It's just that he can't, because she doesn't remember him.

And there was another man beside her, and he wanted to **** her over.

I want to go back to the past with her.

After the song was over, Long Xuanye did not leave, but sat down on the grass, reminiscing about every detail of the day.

Engrave this memory deeply into your mind.

After thinking about it, take out the phone and play the video.

There was surveillance around here, and he took that section away at that time and kept it forever, watching it many times a day.

This time, he looked very carefully, not letting go of every look on her face.

This sitting is a whole day.

Enough aftertaste, make sure you don't forget, then got up and left.

I walked all the places he and her have traveled in this life.

He stayed the longest in the garden villa where she was imprisoned.

Because he danced swords by the river there, she played a piece for him.

Such memories are sweet and heartache.

Not letting go of every place, letting go of every drop of memory.

The last stop was the Aegean Sea, the tarmac where she left.

Long Xuanye's back straightened, recalling that she was smiling like a flower in the arms of another man.

So vivid, so vivid, so...happy.

I walked all the memories of their lives, the happy and painful, and the sweet and sad.

He returned to their last villa in the Aegean Sea.

After making a cup of tea, I walked to the lounge chair on the balcony of the master bedroom and sat down.

I took out my mobile phone and played the video of her dancing for him at the National Studies Association, looping over and over again.

Then, take a sip of tea and place the cup next to the phone.

Looking at the white clouds floating in the sky with nostalgia, the sound of flute coming from the phone in my ear.

In the sky, Xia Weibao's smiling face seemed to appear, so beautiful.

Thoughts drifted away, back to two thousand years ago.

He was five years old that year. He was the prince of the dynasty. His father and queen were very affectionate, and he lived happily.

However, all happiness disappeared from the day the rebels attacked the city.

The queen hid him in a dark room. Through the gap, he saw that the queen was humiliated to death!

The queen mother was so noble and beautiful, but she was tortured by more than a dozen rebels before she died, and the palace ladies who loved him most were all tainted to death by the grinning rebels.

Many people say that he is mentally abnormal.

Yes, he is a psychopath.

After witnessing that scene, only darkness remained in his heart.

Although he escaped, his life was muddled.

The master saw him pitifully and took him back to the valley.

In the valley, he encountered the only sunshine in this life-Xia Weibao.

In his dark and twisted life, she was the beam of light, warming him and illuminating his gloomy heart.

I was very happy with Xia Weibao, and Master was very kind to him.

Not only did he betrothed the younger sister to him, but also passed him the position of head.

He is very happy.

The happiest thing is not to be the head, but to marry the only sunshine of his life.

Those days were really so happy, so happy that he even forgot, he was the prince of the country, and forgot the hatred of the country and the family.

Forget the blood debt on his back.

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