Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1868: Afterlife, never meet again 7

His greatest wish is to wait until the younger sister reaches adulthood and then marry her.

Finally, he waited until she became an adult.

At the same time, there is the former Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Only then did he think of his own life experience and that he wanted to restore the country.

He was very miserable and didn't want to give up a carefree life, nor could he forget the death of his father and queen.

He told his younger sister and master about his life experience.

Junior sister, she is really sunshine, not only did not alienate him because of his life experience, but also helped him restore his country.

At that time, he solemnly promised that if he ruled the world one day, she would be his queen!

She just smiled, "Let's talk about it."

Then, the restoration of the country was successful.

He was so happy that he was happily found the junior sister, begged to marry her, and let her enter the palace.

However, she refused.

She said she prefers freedom, and the palace is a cage for her.

He was struck by lightning.

"Junior sister, don't you love me."

She looked calm, "Brother, I like you, but I love freedom more."

"Am I not as free as yours."

"What about you, in your heart, am I worthy of the throne, brother, I won't enter the palace, two days later, I will wait for you in the same place.

If you choose me, you will come.

If I can't wait for you, I will leave. "

She just left, leaving him with a dilemma.

He loves her, but the rejuvenation is the wish of the father and the queen, how can he give up?

Two days, it was a long time, and he was in pain.

Can't the beauty of the country coexist?

Do not!

It can coexist!

As long as he holds the power, the whole world belongs to him, and she naturally also belongs to him!

When the DPRK is in turmoil and the party is rampant, the fastest way to gain power is to use power.

For this reason, he agreed to marry the daughter of the prime minister of the three dynasties as his queen.

After making this decision, he did not go to the appointment, but sent someone to send her a letter, telling her that the post-sealing was just a stopgap measure, and let her wait for him.

His queen will eventually be her!

But she is too ruthless, it is the end of the world that can really turn around!

He panicked, scared, and went back to find her.

However, she did not see him, and the master would not let him see her again, he was very scared.

This is his only light, how can he lose it!

So, he made a very crazy decision to kill her whole family and destroy her whole family!

Then, put her under house arrest.

He forced her to drink the soft tendons, during that time, her eyes were full of hatred.

She said that it would make him feel bad, and make him regret it!

He thought at the time, hate it, as long as she stays by his side, even if it is hate, it doesn't matter.

However, he underestimated her cruelty!

The day before ascending to the throne, she sent someone to look for him and said something was going on.

He hurried over, but didn't know that it was the last goodbye.

She was really powerful. She detoxified her body, grabbed a sword, and squatted herself in front of him.

Blood splattered on the spot!

The moment she fell, his heart died and the world went dark.

Finally realized what it means to be unhappy!

She was right, he regretted it, regretted not in the beginning.

There is no point in any country's enemies who hate blood and deep hatred.

She died, he was crazy.

It was only after the prime minister forced him to seal that she was heartbroken and wanted to break off relations with him, so he destroyed the nine families of the prime minister!

It was this country that caused them to separate, so he slaughtered all the people!

If there was no Jiangshan Sheji, he would not have to regain the country, and would not be emperor, and she would not leave him for freedom.

Killed all the people who hindered them, and then committed suicide.

He is going to find her.

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