Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1869: Afterlife, never meet again 8

Knowing the pain of her death, she would definitely drink Meng Po Tang.

It doesn't matter.

It doesn't matter if she forgets him, as long as he remembers her.

Karma is burned, the sky is added, and the eighteen layers of hell!

Does it hurt?

It hurts, it hurts, but it doesn't matter, as long as he thinks that he can find her in the next life, he can endure the pain.

So he was reborn with memories, and began to search for her reincarnation in the vast crowd.

I found the youth from the child, and found the white head from the youth, alone, and finally died helplessly.

But he doesn't give up, what if he died, he can continue to look for in the next life!

Reincarnated again and again, and searched for life after life.

Day after day, year after year.

Find despair.

Where is she, why can't she find it?

When he felt tired several times and wanted to rest, he would think of their past.

Those fond memories are remembered over and over again, and then there is motivation again.

When he found the tenth generation, he finally found her.

I can't describe the mood at that time, I am really happy.

However, the next moment, he saw that she handed her hand to another man with a smile.

He discovered that she was wearing a big red phoenix robe.

The eyes are full of festive red.

He found her, but she became someone else's bride.

No one knows how painful his heart was at that time!

Can't wait to ruin the world!

However, he does not have that ability.

The person she marries is an emperor with power over the world!

He could only start to form forces for a long time and **** her back.

He hates that man. She likes freedom so much and hates **** most, especially in the palace compound.

But the man trapped her in the palace!

While struggling to form a force, what I heard was the news that the queen was celebrating her birthday.

Six were born.

He hates it.

Damn that man!

She hates having children so much, but the man forced her to give birth to six!

When he was finally strong enough to rival the emperor, he went to declare war.

Tell Emperor Xia Liang that she belongs to him and belongs to him a thousand years ago.

That man is so cruel!

Suicide using secret techniques, a cup of poisoned wine gave her death, in exchange for the next life to continue the front.

He hates it!

How can other men get a woman who has been looking for a thousand years!

So he moved his hands and feet, disrupted time and space, and sent her away.

Didn't that man want to reconnect with her in the next life? He sent her away and let that person go alone.

However, no one knows where it was sent.

It was another long search. He used to search alone, but now it is two.

It was another thousand years of reincarnation. He didn't find her, but met Emperor Xia Liang.

However, Emperor Xia Liang didn't see him.

Knowing that Lu Hualiang was also looking for her, he hated him and wanted to kill Lu Hualiang.

But Lu Hualiang is so powerful, he deserves to be the emperor who dominated the world a thousand years ago, he can't kill him!

Until the end, he failed to kill Lu Hualiang, but caused people to amnesia.

After more than ten years, he finally found Xia Weibao again.

A thousand years after another, the cycle of destiny.

However, she has become someone else's wife.

He hates why he is always one step late.

Not reconciled, we must take her back!

At the end of the memory, Long Xuanye's face was pale, his chest pained dullly.

He knew that the poison had begun to strike.

Shakingly picked up the tea beside him, smiled sadly at the corner of his mouth, and took another sip.

lay down.

Tilting his head, looking obsessively at the phone, the smiling woman.

Well, he looked for a woman for two thousand years.

The only light in his life.

In the eyes of the world, his love is too paranoid and crazy.

But what to do, he just loves her.

Compared with losing her, how is Wanmin cursing! What about the stinking stinking years

He would rather be a sinner in the world!

But what to do, she hated him, and even said that she had never loved him.

His love is a burden to her and scares her.

He knew his character too well, as long as he was alive for one day, he would never let go.

Then, he chose to leave.

Reincarnate before her, go to a time and space without her.

Time is irreversible, and you can never look back.

Just like two parallel lines that never cross, there will never be another day when they meet.

In this way, he can no longer hurt her.

Don't bother, it's his last tenderness.

Looking at the woman who was dancing, Long Xuanye deeply took her face into his mind.

Then, slowly closed his eyes.

In this life, he will still be reincarnated with memories.

Take it for life and life.

Can't bear to forget.

Such a wonderful time, she walked out, lost, let him stand alone.

There are also two memories in this life. He plays flute, she dances, she plays, and he dances swords.

Enough for him to take a long, long aftertaste.

The corners of his mouth slowly rise, and the sun shines on his face, as beautiful as when he first saw it.

The picture freezes.

In this way, being alone with memories, for generations, thousands of years, to live alone.

When one day is tired, he can no longer sustain it, maybe he will choose to destroy his soul and dissipate in this world.

Junior sister, in the next life, never see each other again.

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