Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1870: Brother, please forget me in the next life 1

The reconstruction of Lu Yuan was fast. Nan Yi came to arrest people and destroyed nearly half.

In just three months, Zhong Wanshu and Fu Bo have all rebuilt.

It's exactly the same as before.

The only difference is that the boundary between Lu Yuan and the Presidential Palace has been completely opened up, and the two have become one.

No need to ask, this is the decision of sisters Zhong Wanshu and Yan Lingyi.

After Lu Hualiang came back, looking at such a transformation, his face was completely black.

It used to be just one wall, at least two gardens.

It's fine now, it's all through.

How many people will steal his wife from him in the future?

The most embarrassing thing is that he was so obvious that he almost wrote the four characters ‘I’m very angry’ on his face.

As a result, everyone didn't even look at him.

Why? Because Xia Weibao was pregnant and had been missing for so long. When she came back, she was pregnant and the whole family circled her.

Who has the time to make those idle lives not angry.

Mr. Lu feels that he has no family status.

Not only the family status is gone, even the wife is almost gone.

When she was in the Aegean Sea, she was so attached to him. She was together 24 hours a day, and he served all meals and sleep.

Now a large group of people are surrounding him, and he doesn't even have a place to stand!

Especially for the three students who studied Chinese medicine, Xiang Chu and Hepburn needless to say. Seeing the master is like seeing the reborn parents, wishing to become a tail sticking to her and running behind her every day.

There is also Ding Heqiu.

I have been looking for his Weiliang genius doctor, only now I found out that the Weiliang genius doctor is Xia Weibao!

Thinking of the other four ministers of the Joke Chinese Studies Association fighting for Xia Weibao every day like a childish ghost, now they just feel like they are slapped in their faces!

Who would have thought it would be Xia Weibao!

Ding Heqiu felt that he was crazier than Pei Hongmeng Songbai and the others, and he wished to give Xia Weibao the position of director of the ancient medical department, and then drag her into the ancient medical department.

Weiliang genius doctor, this is the real genius doctor!

And he's the patriarch of the ancient medical family.

A handful of young and elegant old men couldn't help expressing their excitement when they knew the news with a silly sentence!

I can't wait to kneel down and call Master!

Master accept me as a disciple!

However, Xiang Chu and Hepburn said that if they did not accept it, it would be enough for the Liger to have their two apprentices, and there was no need to accept apprentices, especially those who had to step into the coffin for more than half a hundred and a half years old!

Xia Weibao's scalp numb when stared at these three pairs of bright eyes.

Quickly let someone bring paper and a pen, brush and write a prescription, and hand it over, "Study slowly."

Xiang Chu and Hepburn were so excited that they hugged each other.

Ding Heqiu's gray hair would naturally not fight like a young man, so he secretly took the prescription when Xiang Chu and Hepburn were in a group, and ran to the drug garden to hide and study secretly.

Wonderful, wonderful!

The room was finally quiet, Xia Weibao raised his hand and rubbed his aching head.

These three Chinese medicine crazy demons are really terrible, and sometimes anyone will fry for her bowl of antifetal medicine.

Lu Hualiang pushed the door in, and saw her rubbing her temples tiredly, walking closer.

Sit down by the bed and reached out to take over the "heavy job" of her massage.

Rub it gently.

"Are you not feeling well?"

Xia Weibao smiled and shook his head, "No, I just think they are too noisy."

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