Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1879: Movie King and Out of Circle Actress 2

Seeing that it was Zhuang Xuejun's call, he was taken aback. Could it be because of Xia Weibao?

After thinking about it, she pressed the answer button.

"Hey, Xuejun, what can I do?"

Zhuang Xuejun frowned, "Did you drink?"

His speech was slurred and he seemed to be drunk.

Han Luoqi rubbed his eyebrows, "Well, I had some wine."

Zhuang Xuejun's eyebrows tightened, more than a little bit.

"where are you."

"Golden Night Bar."

"Bar? Where's your agent!"

Go crazy, the public figure went to the bar to drink, and was so drunk!

"I don't know." Han Luoqi slumped on the sofa, staring at the ceiling blankly, "Probably dead..."

Zhuang Xuejun, "..."

Suddenly I felt that Xiao Zhou was so pitiful. I didn't say anything about a disobedient artist, and was cursed to death from time to time.

It's better for her baby, except for being blacked every day and playing black holes, there are almost no shortcomings!

"Which private room are you in."

Han Luoqi reported the room number.

Zhuang Xuejun silently noted, "Don't run around. I will call Xiao Zhou and ask him to pick you up. Remember not to run out. It will be over if the reporter gets caught."

I don't know if the person on the other side heard it and did not respond.

Zhuang Xuejun was a little anxious, and called Xiao Zhou after hanging up.

It's just that the line has been busy and I don't know what I'm doing.

After playing it several times, I couldn't get through. Zhuang Xuejun had no choice but to go to the Golden Night Bar to pick up people.

Really, public figures don't pay attention to image.

When I came to the private room, I opened the door and the pungent smell of alcohol was oncoming.

She frowned. How much is this?

Close the door and walk in. In the dim light, the glamorous actor on the big screen is like a drunk lying on the sofa, staggering, without any image.

His head tilted aside, his cheeks were a little red when he looked sideways because of drunkenness.

Zhuang Xuejun's heartbeat beats twice, he is indeed a national male god, even if he is drunk and decadent, he is still impeccably handsome!

This face made for the lens is so perfect that there are no dead spots.

She walked over, raised her leg and kicked, "Han Luoqi, why are you drinking so much alcohol."

The drunk and somewhat unconscious man burped alcohol, raised his head, and squinted his drunk eyes.

Looking at her in a vague way, it seemed that she wanted to see who the person in front of her was.

After confirming her identity a moment later, he sat up straight and rubbed his eyebrows uncomfortably, "It's okay."

"In a bad mood?" Zhuang Xuejun asked tentatively.

Han Luoqi paused when she rubbed her eyebrows, and then continued, "Well, something has happened."

"If you have something to worry about, you can't go to the bar to have a drink. There are paparazzi everywhere in the imperial city, in case it gets photographed."

"If you take a photo, you can take a photo, what's the big deal."

He is not one of those nibbles who feed on his face.

Maintain a perfect image every day.

"Go, I'll take you back."

Han Luoqi didn't move, but picked up a bottle of wine, "Mr. Xue, come with me for a drink."

Zhuang Xuejun frowned. She usually doesn't drink outside.

This is due to many years of habit. She used to be in the entertainment industry and there was too much darkness. She was afraid that something would happen if she drank a drink outside.

Seeing her embarrassed, Han Luoqi didn't say anything, but drank to herself.

Bottle by bottle.

"Don't drink. Drinking too much hurts your body. If you have any concerns, you can tell me." Zhuang Xuejun looked unbearable.

Han Luoqi glanced at her and continued to drink in silence.

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