Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1880: Movie King and Out of Circle Actress 3

Can he say that he was troubled by love? The first love died before it even started, and he is still being used to talk about it.

The most annoying thing is that he is not the man who led the scandal.

Another man ate the tofu, and he will carry it. Is there anything worse than this.

Forget it, these sufferings can only be swallowed by themselves.

Seeing that a bottle of wine had bottomed out again, and people were already drunk unconsciously, Zhuang Xuejun quickly grabbed the wine in his hand.

"Don't drink, and don't be afraid of alcohol poisoning."

"Alcoholism?" Han Luoqi smiled bitterly, "You think too much. I drink very well. When I first debuted, I didn't have the current scenery and I often had to deal with banquets.

What is the look in your eyes, don't you believe I drink well? I'm actually not drunk yet, and I can stand up. If you don't believe me, stand and show me..."

He said that he swayed his body and wanted to stand up, and looked at his heart staggeringly.

Zhuang Xuejun, "..."

It's all like this, and you're not drunk?

Looking at the man who was one head taller than her, she felt that she couldn't take him back. It would be better to call his agent to come over.

However, as soon as the phone was taken out, I saw Han Luoqi staggering forward and planting.

"Be careful!"

Zhuang Xuejun exclaimed and quickly stepped over to catch the person.

How could her small body be able to hold a big man of 185, the two of them fell directly onto the sofa, and they didn't know where the phone was hit.

Zhuang Xuejun, "..."

The hot search of Xia Weibao's derailment continued the next day. At this time, another piece of news quietly appeared on the hot search list.


Xia Weibao finally stole Lu Hualiang's mobile phone to surf the Internet, and saw this message as soon as he opened the web page.

She opened her big eyes, actor? Out of circle actress?

Among the people she knows, there happens to be a national movie star and a retired movie star. Wouldn't it be so coincidental?

When I clicked on the push message, she almost broke her phone!

It's really Han Luoqi and Zhuang Xuejun!

After a quick glance at the news, at around 6 o'clock this morning, someone photographed Zhuang Xuejun and Han Luoqi coming out of the private room of Golden Night Bar.

Although both of them wore masks and sunglasses, they lowered their heads for fear that others would recognize them.

But judging from the photos, we can still vaguely see that it is Han Luoqi and Zhuang Xuejun.

Xia Weibao and these two people are friends, they know them too well, and they know it is true at first glance.

She was a little curious, what happened to these two people, why did they go to the bar together?

And reading the report, Zhuang Xuejun went in at 8 o'clock last night, and didn't come out until 6 o'clock in the morning, after a night...

Xia Weibao peeked at the bathroom door, Lu Hualiang was still taking a shower, she hurriedly called Zhuang Xuejun over.

Zhuang Xuejun had just returned home and was a little confused when he saw Lu Hualiang's call.

How could Lu Hualiang call her, could it be because of Xia Weibao?

As she was thinking, she rubbed her tired eyebrows and quickly connected them.

"Hey, President Lu."

"Mr. Xue, it's me."

"Baby? Where have you been this time, I have not been able to contact you!"

The voice on the phone was a bit sharp, and Xia Weibao's phone moved slightly away from her ears, and then put it back.

"I'm raising a baby at home."

"Why don't you always start the baby at home!" She thought she was missing!

Xia Weibao was a little embarrassed, "My husband is too nervous, he won't let me play on the phone. These are not important. I will ask you what's the matter with Han Luoqi."

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