Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1902: Zhuang Xuejun pregnancy 3

Can't understand the relationship between these two people.

It seems that she has no position to control. Although she and Han Luoqi are friends, she has not yet reached the point where she can control any woman they like.

I called Zhuang Xuejun and asked her to come to Lu Yuan to play.

After all, they have not seen each other for more than two months.

When Zhuang Xuejun arrived, Sanji happened to be there.

As soon as Zhuang Xuejun came in, the three chickens whistled, "Wow, big beauty."

Zhuang Xuejun is very beautiful, graceful and outstanding. When she was in the entertainment industry, she belonged to that kind of actress who had both beauty and temperament and was very recognizable.

The filth and darkness of the entertainment circle did not contaminate her, which is why she has good looks and acting skills, but she has never been popular.

Sanji had heard of Zhuang Xuejun, Xia Weibao's agent and assistant, but had never met before.

Look at it now, beautiful.

Xia Weibao is beautiful, and all the friends around him are big beauties. Sure enough, things are gathered in groups.

Zhuang Xuejun is a very quiet person, he does not fight or grab, and his life is very disciplined. There is no one around him like Sanji, who is enthusiastic and rascal.

Suddenly did not know how to respond.

Xia Weibao glared three chickens, "Don't scare people."

"Is this scared? Sure enough, quiet girls are timid. Don't be afraid of beautiful women. In fact, I am also very gentle and kind and easy to get along with. Since I am a baby's friend, it is my friend. If anyone dares to bully you in the future, say With a cry, I promise to keep him from seeing the sun tomorrow!"

When she said this, her eyes were sharp and murderous.

Zhuang Xuejun was stunned, this woman spoke so aggressively.

It's just that you can't see the sun tomorrow. How does this feel like a gangster?

Receiving her inquiring gaze, Xia Weibao spread his hands, "No doubt, she is a killer."

Zhuang Xuejun, "..."

Worthy of being Xia Weibao's friend, sturdy enough!

She is a good citizen. The killer has only seen it in TV series and novels. She encountered it in life and was a little scared.

Sanji raised her eyebrows, "Don't be afraid, little beautiful woman, I never kill beautiful women, you look pale."

Zhuang Xuejun touched his face, just smiled, and did not speak.

Xia Weibao was sitting on the sofa, frowning when she saw this, "Xue Jun, your face is not very good, are you sick, do you want me to see it for you."

Raising a baby at home is too boring. Apart from seeing a doctor for Nan Yi, there is no entertainment at all.

Zhuang Xuejun's expression changed, then smiled and shook his head, "I didn't sleep well last night."

Her eyes flickered, and she did not dare to face Xia Weibao.

This made Xia Weibao very puzzled, "Did you have any trouble?"

This expression is not as simple as not sleeping well all night.

I have at least insomnia for a while, haggard, and thin.

"No, what kind of trouble can I have. Recently, you have a baby at home, and I have no job. I eat and drink every day. How can I be in trouble."

"Yeah, you have been so relaxed these days, you should have raised yourself to be fat, why did you lose weight?"

"I'm losing weight." Zhuang Xuejun's expression was unnatural.

Sanji snorted, "You are going to become thinner, so what fat have you lost?"

Zhuang Xuejun just smiled, obviously not wanting to continue this topic.

She didn't want to say that Xia Weibao did not reluctantly, and turned to other topics.

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