Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1903: Zhuang Xuejun pregnancy 4

I just felt a little melancholy, feeling that everything has changed since she went to the Xia family.

After going through so many things, I went to the Xia's house for so long, and was kicked away by Long Xuanye after returning. Now he is raising a baby at home, almost derailed from outside.

Even these friends who have struggled together and come close together are unfamiliar.

It is clear that Zhuang Xuejun and her are good friends, and they are sitting opposite her, but she feels a little strange and still a little out of reach.

It's like, Zhuang Xuejun has a lot of thoughts, is always absent-minded, and often distracted.

"Xue Jun, Xue Jun?"

Seeing Zhuang Xuejun lost her mind again, Xia Weibao yelled twice, and finally increased her tone before she recovered.

"Huh? Baby, did you call me, what's the matter?"

Xia Weibao's eyebrows sink slightly, "What's wrong with you, I have called you several times."

"Nothing, just thinking about something."

Sanji kept staring at Zhuang Xuejun’s face, “You have something on your mind, and it’s a very big one. Let me guess, are you broken in love?

Zhuang Xuejun's complexion changed, and then he covered it up quickly, smiling slightly reluctantly, "No, I have never had a boyfriend. How could it be that I was broken in love? You think too much."

"Really." Sanji played with her slender fingers. Her fingers were very thin and long, but not as beautiful as Xia Weibao's. On the contrary, they were a bit rough, with a cocoon on the index finger.

This is formed by shooting all the year round, even if you don't touch the gun for a few years, the cocoon will still be there.

The smile was very domineering and cold, "I forgot to tell you, I trained in psychology."

People with a profession like her often have to pretend to be different identities, face different people, and learn about psychology, which is very useful for merging into new roles and gathering intelligence.

Zhuang Xuejun's thin eyebrows slightly frowned, a little embarrassed.

Xia Weibao suddenly thought of the scandal between Zhuang Xuejun and Han Luoqi some time ago, and sat upright.

"Dropped in love? With whom, is it Han Luoqi."

Zhuang Xuejun's complexion changed, and there was a touch of pain deep in his eyes, but his face was indifferent, even sad.

"No, where did you think about it, he and I are just ordinary friends, he already has someone he likes, don't talk nonsense."

Xia Weibao obviously didn't believe this kind of statement, "What happened to your previous scandal with him? Obviously a reporter photographed you eating together, and he personally sent you home."

Zhuang Xuejun smiled, "Baby, you are also a member of the entertainment industry, don't you still know what those scandals are, the media is just trying to catch the wind.

Can't ordinary friends eat together? It's not safe for me to come home for a girl when it's late. Isn't it normal for him to send me off?

Is this a gentleman? It happened to be photographed by paparazzi.

Is it possible that all men sending female friends home are all lovers. "

"What about the couple's outfit, a reporter photographed you wearing a couple's outfit."

Zhuang Xuejun smiled helplessly, "How can it be considered a couple outfit, white T-shirt and jeans? Many people wear it like this. We happened to wear the same style that day, and then we ran into it again. I was unlucky and was photographed by the paparazzi.

It's not the kind of relationship you think, me and could it be possible. "

Zhuang Xuejun spoke naturally, as he said, the corner of his eyes couldn't help but glance in the direction of Sanji.

She knew Sanji had been observing her expression, so she tried to relax and let herself behave naturally.

In any case, he was once an actor, and he was still recognized as an acting school. This natural expression can still be made.

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