Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1912: No need to think about who the child is 3

"No, I'm going to take a shower, I'm very tired today."

Mother Han felt a little distressed, "Then go quickly and rest early."

"Well, then I'll hang up."

"Wait!" Mother Han stopped in time, "Son, send a picture of that girl to mom to see."

Han Luoqi just said perfunctorily that there is no photo, and then hung up the phone.

At the end of the call, Zhuang Xuejun's gentle smile appeared on the phone page.

In the background is the fountain in the park. She stood by and watched. He yelled from behind. She looked back inadvertently and was photographed by him.

He liked this photo very much. The sun shone on her face and cast a layer of soft light on her face, with pale skin, long hair and shawl, just like a graceful woman in a water village in the south of the Yangtze River.

Very indifferent, if you stay with this kind of person, you will be infected unconsciously, slow down, relax your mind and body, but feel life.

It's just that these are all things in the past, why does he use the photo of his ex-girlfriend as the background?

I clicked on the settings and wanted to change the back view to a solid color. I hesitated but didn't change it.

It looks pretty seductive, so keep it.

After taking a shower, Zhuang Xuejun sat on the side of the bed and wiped her hair. He picked up the phone and swiped on Weibo.

This has been a habit she has developed over the years.

When I used to be a celebrity, I should always pay attention to the dynamics of the Internet. Later, when I became Xia Weibao’s agent, I also had to pay attention to it every night before going to bed.

As soon as it was refreshed, I saw An Siwen's latest development, which was a few hours ago.

An Siwen V: The scene of the day is finally over, I am going to have a big meal. 【Picture jpg.】

The picture below shows her taking a selfie with her, and also deliberately took pictures of the actors and directors of the same crew behind her, telling everyone that she is going to the crew for dinner.

I don't know whether it was intentional or unintentional. Except for herself, the clearest shot was Han Luoqi.

Zhuang Xuejun casually swiped the comments.

——Wow, Wenwen is so beautiful, and her skin is so good at such a close distance.

——Seeing Brother Luo looking over here, are you looking at Wenwen, his eyes are so gentle

——Hey, I'm sprinkling dog food again, goddess, when are you and the actor Han going to make it public?


Seeing this Weibo, Zhuang Xuejun was speechless.

So obvious makeup + beauty, can the skin be bad? Can this be praised? ?

Also, Han Luoqi obviously just raised his head unintentionally, okay, his eyes are clearly confused, so he can see gentleness?

Some ridiculously shook his head, exited this Weibo, and swiped directly down.

Look at other people's comments.

No comment on An Siwen's Weibo.

She was born as a child star. She has been in the entertainment circle for so many years, and she has long been able to see through the entertainment circle.

She doesn't like to use those hype methods, which doesn't mean she doesn't understand.

It's already clear to heart.

An Siwen is too obvious, and eager to achieve success, a newcomer would dare to make such a stir, and the enthusiasm of the big actor would not be afraid to stir herself.

She doesn't care about the relationship between An Siwen and Han Luoqi.

After all, it doesn't matter to you, it's hanging up high.

She brushed it down, nothing special, she dried her hair, lay flat on the bed, turned off the light and went to sleep.

I set three alarms for myself before going to bed, and I have to go to the hospital for a maternity check tomorrow.

Sleepy when pregnant, she was afraid that she could not get up.

Fortunately, even if she is lethargic, she is a very self-disciplined person and gets up on time.

I made a simple breakfast and took a taxi to the hospital after eating.

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