Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1913: Know who the child is without thinking 4

She has a car, but it's only two months now. The fetus is unstable and it is dangerous to drive by herself.

When I came to the hospital, I went to line up to register myself.

Then sit in the corridor with the number plate and wait.

Seeing many women with big bellies walking by, Zhuang Xuejun's eyes were gentle.

Reached out and touched her belly, there is a little life in it, and it will grow so big in her belly in a few months.

She gave birth to a small life in person, and she would grow up with him in the future, so happy if you think about it.

"Girl, I think you are familiar, have you seen it somewhere?"

A woman with a big belly next to him suddenly asked.

Zhuang Xuejun turned his head and smiled softly, "Really, I am wearing a mask, can you see what I look like?"

"The eyes are familiar, like a star."

Zhuang Xuejun smiled even more, "Many people say that my eyes are like stars."

After all, she was once a public figure, so she naturally did not dare to show her face at will.

Putting her hair down, and then wearing a mask, only a pair of eyes were exposed, I believe it would not be recognized.

She glanced at the woman's belly, it was a big one, "How many months has your belly been?"

Mentioning this, the woman's expression softened, "It's been eight months, and it's about to give birth. Are you also here for the checkup?"

"Yeah, I've only been two months old, and I haven't seen it yet."

The woman frowned, "The first three months are more dangerous. Why did you come for the check-up alone? What about your husband?"

Zhuang Xuejun's complexion became stiff, but he just smiled and didn't speak.

At this time, the woman's husband also came back and carefully helped her to rise.

The woman told her to leave first, and then walked away slowly under the support of her husband.

Zhuang Xuejun glanced at the people who were queuing around. It seemed that they were all accompanied by their husbands. Even if they were not accompanied by them, they were accompanied by friends or relatives.

Only she is alone.

At this time, it is deceptive to say that it is not lost.

However, the loss was only for a moment, and then he lowered his head and touched his stomach.

It is because she is too lonely that she wants to give birth to this child alone, and she will not be alone in the future.

The inspection process is a bit long. After the results are obtained, it is already noon.

Leaving the hospital, there seemed to be a flash of light behind him.

Zhuang Xuejun turned his head. There was nothing at the entrance of the hospital except the pedestrians passing by.

She frowned and took a taxi to leave.

She should be over-concerned. She has retired now. How could a reporter secretly photograph her.

And wearing a mask, shouldn't you recognize it?

But she didn't want to. She has not yet returned home, and the photos have been posted on the Internet.

It was just a piece of gossip that it was suspected that Zhuang Xuejun was pregnant.

The photo is not clear, and the entire face cannot be seen. Unless it is a familiar person, it cannot be recognized.

The reporter also felt familiar, so I just wanted to catch up on it.

It's a pity that Zhuang Xuejun is a retired star, and his attention is not high, so let alone this bit of news, it didn't even hit a splash.

Only a few thousand reposts.

However, it happened to be seen by Han Luoqi.

When he saw this Weibo, his face turned pale.

The hand holding the phone tightened subconsciously, the person in the photo was Zhuang Xuejun!

Others may not recognize it, but he has been dating her for two months, how could he not recognize it!

She is pregnant?

Thinking of the time between himself and her, he was a little uneasy.

If she is pregnant at this time, she doesn't need to think about who the child is.

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