Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1923: Blast Meal 2

For her safety, can't hide!

So Han Luoqi took a deep breath and endured it!

Squatting on the ground holding his head, let her hit.

"Don't fight, why is your conscience so handsome face being beaten by you!"

"Xia Weibao, you have enough, and I haven't offended you!"

"Just two blows to vent your anger, come back!"

"Damn! Don't go too far!!!"

Xia Weibao slapped Han Luoqi with a long spear, unmoved by his wailing.

Thinking of Zhuang Xuejun, a weak woman who endured so much alone, the anger in her heart jumped upward.

His eyes flushed slightly, "I am too much? You still have the face to say that I am too much? Han Luoqi, do you think Xuejun has no father, no mother and no support, so you can bully whatever you want?

She is such a kind and innocent girl, how can you do something inferior to such a beast! "

When I thought of Zhuang Xuejun being alone, no one stood up for her when she was wronged, she could only swallow all the bitterness silently.

Living alone, carrying a child alone, and having a child alone in the future, her heart hurts very much.

It shouldn't be like this, how can Zhuang Xuejun let people bully her!

No one is going to help her, then she comes!

In short, with her in one day, Zhuang Xuejun would never be wronged for nothing!

Her words were like a knife inserted into Han Luoqi's heart, and the movement of holding her head to dodge suddenly stopped.

He stopped hiding, and squatted there, let her fight.

This is what he owes Zhuang Xuejun!

"Han Luoqi, you are still not a man! Don't dare to be a scum!" Xia Weibao's chest was up and down with anger.

I really want to hit him on the head with a stick. This kind of scumbag, scumbag, lives to pollute the environment!

"I'm sorry." Han Luoqi felt sad, "I didn't mean it, I was drunk that day, I..."

He was drinking very well, but he really drank too much that night, and he was a little confused when he was drunk. He didn't know what was going on, so he gave Zhuang Xuejun to...

I really regretted it afterwards, and it was the first time she...

Thinking of this, Han Luoqi was full of regret, he really didn't mean it.

Xia Weibao's brain crashed and her eyes widened suddenly, "What did you say? Drunk?!!!"

How could they be drunk, she thought they were your wish, and Han Luoqi didn't want to be responsible for being pregnant.

If you are drunk, then...

"You forced Xue Jun?"

Han Luoqi was silent, acquiescing.

Xia Weibao only felt a rush of fire rushing to the top of her head, as if her hair was tied with a needle.

She was so angry that she was shaking!

She was already a little tired from the fight, but now she was so angry that she picked up the spear and slapped him **** the shoulder.

"You are not a human being! Han Luoqi are you crazy! Don't you know what Xuejun has experienced before? That time she was almost violated by the deputy director. She has always been a shadow of men. You dare to force her to die!"

Han Luoqi snorted.

The club was hit very hard, his shoulders were sorely painful, and he even smelled blood.

The self-blame and regret in his heart kept magnifying. He closed his eyes tightly, and his mind was full of Zhuang Xuejun's struggle and fear that night.

But he was overwhelmed by alcohol at the time, ignoring her resistance and fear, and forced possession.

Whenever I think of this, my heart is burnt.

"I'm sorry." Except for being sorry, he really didn't know what to do.

Xia Weibao wanted to fight again, but she felt a little uncomfortable in her stomach. Realizing that she was too excited, she quickly threw the spear to stabilize her mind.

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