Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1924: Are you pregnant 1

However, the anger in his chest couldn't be calmed down.

"Han Luoqi, you are not only not a man, you are not a person at all!

Strong 1 rapist!

Doing such a thing to Xue Jun can actually be with other women in peace of mind, Xue Jun is still pregnant with your child.

She is a woman, helpless, nowhere to say something like that, she is still pregnant by herself..."

Xia Weibao's eyes were red, and she couldn't tell.

Distressed, really distressed.

She couldn't even imagine what Zhuang Xuejun had experienced and how much she had endured alone.

The incident that was almost forced by the deputy director that time is still vivid. Xia Weibao's mind is full of the fear and despair in Zhuang Xuejun's eyes when she kicked the door open.

I thought that after escaped that time and quit the entertainment circle, her life would be very peaceful, and she would never encounter this kind of thing again.

But don't want to...

I really couldn't see it, she took a step forward, kicked Han Luoqi, and directly kicked the dumbfounded man to the ground.

Han Luoqi was completely stunned, and his head was full of Xia Weibao's words.

Zhuang Xuejun is still pregnant with your child.

Zhuang Xuejun is still pregnant with your child.

Zhuang Xuejun is still pregnant with your child.

Zhuang Xuejun is pregnant?

He thought that Xia Weibao came to him because of the things he had done to Zhuang Xuejun. Knowing that Xia Weibao was righteous, he most looked down upon friends being bullied.

Therefore, she vented for Zhuang Xuejun, and he suffered.

But she didn't want to, she was angry because Zhuang Xuejun was pregnant, and he was not responsible...

This news was completely unexpected, so that he was stunned, and he was shocked to not react.

It wasn't until Xia Weibao kicked him down that he suddenly recovered.

He stood up, feeling a little excited, "You said Xuejun is pregnant?!!!"

I remembered the news about her going to the gynecology department for a moment, Han Luoqi raised his hand and slapped her face fiercely!

Why is he so stupid!

How could he not see such an obvious thing? She said it was a period, so why did he believe it!

Calculating the time, it has been three months, and in the first three months of the most dangerous pregnancy, he actually didn't know anything, really not a human!

No wonder Xia Weibao wants to hit him, even if he kills him, it is not enough to relieve his hatred!

After looking at Xia Weibao, he rushed out without waiting for her to answer.

"Where are you going, I haven't beaten enough scum!"

When Lu Hualiang arrived in a hurry, he heard Xia Weibao's roar.

Suddenly there was a black line, and I was not at ease when I was pregnant!

Seeing that the closest person came, all the grievances of Xia Weibao came to his heart, she was wronged for Zhuang Xuejun.

His eyes were red, and his voice was still crying, "Husband."

It's so pitiful.

Lu Hualiang also wanted to blame her for fighting with her pregnant belly. When she heard her grievances, all the anger was gone.

Hurriedly walked up and gently embraced her waist, "what's the matter?"

"Xuejun is so pitiful, she..." was forced.

She couldn't say the last half sentence.

Lu Hualiang gently hugged her into his arms, "Let them solve their problems by themselves, no one else can intervene."

"What if Han Luoqi refuses to be responsible for Xue Jun, what will my Xue Jun do?"

Mr. Lu didn't pay attention to the first half sentence, and all his thoughts are in the latter half sentence, my Xuejun...

Why is this name so harsh!

The whole world is my rival in love!

The jealousy in my heart is rolling, but my face has to pretend to be generous, "They will solve it by themselves.

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