Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1925: Are you pregnant 2

After coaxing for a while, Xia Weibao's mood finally improved.

Lu Hualiang helped her back into the car and observed her expression.

Although it is still very low, it has stabilized.

"Wife, you are pregnant with a child. Be safe and don't mess around with troubles." Mr. Lu was very euphemistic.

"I didn't cause trouble." Xia Weibao was innocent and sad.

"If you want to fight, you can wait until the child is born..."

"How can I fight!" The Queen Empress retorted immediately.

Things can be eaten indiscriminately, but words can't be talked indiscriminately. This is related to her lady image!

Lu Hualiang, "..."

"I didn't really fight, I was just helping Xue Jun to vent my anger. This is to support my friends, not to fight."

This is an essential difference!

"..." Lu Hualiang said, "Okay, it's not a fight, then you are pregnant with a child, and everything must be based on your own body and the child in your stomach, and you can't just support your friends."

"Lu Hualiang, what are you talking about? Xue Jun has nothing to do with him. It's just a friend like me. She has been wronged so much. If I don't stand by her side, who will help her? Ask for a fair?

She is my best friend, you actually sit back and ignore it, and have no conscience! "

Lu Hualiang was ashamed. He just wanted her to settle down. It was so serious.

"I didn't mean to sit idly by. Then you can use other methods. Why do you want to fight Han Luoqi?

To take a step back, even if you want to hit someone, you can ask the bodyguard to hit someone, or call me. I can help you shoot him down. Why do you do it yourself?

Wife, you are still pregnant, there must be no mistakes. "

"What are you afraid of? I am a doctor. I don't know what kind of consumption my body can withstand.

Besides, pregnant women just have to move too much, otherwise it will be difficult to give birth when they give birth. "

Lu Hualiang was silent, "There are many ways to exercise. Why do we fight? You will teach our girls to be bad."

Xia Weibao, "..."

Daughter slave, don't want to talk anymore.

Regardless of whether the injury on his face would be seen by others, Han Luoqi ran out of the props room, plunged into the car and ran away.

Knowing that he suddenly left the field, Xiao Zhou was going crazy!

Halfway through the filming, I left the scene suddenly, and I didn't ask for leave from the director. If this is spread out, I can't get rid of the infamy.

And when Han Luoqi ran out, he still had the image of a pig's head with a blue nose and a swollen face.

That's the face, he eats by the face!

That face is so expensive, it was beaten like this!

Not knowing what happened, Xiao Zhou hurriedly called Han Luoqi.

It works, but no one answers.

Then, shut down.

Xiao Zhou,"……"

Han Luoqi, let me close your uncle!

I really want to get angry, but now is not the time to get angry. As an agent, he wants to wipe his buttocks for his own actor.

Can only bite the bullet and go to excuse the director to ask for leave.

Also stare at the Internet dynamics, and pray that photos and negative news will not flow out.

Han Luoqi drove all the way back to the community and stopped directly in front of Zhuang Xuejun.

Then hurriedly ran to ring the doorbell.

I never knew that waiting for someone to open the door would be so difficult.

Zhuang Xuejun was taking a nap at home and got up very reluctantly when he heard the doorbell.

When I opened the door, I saw Han Luoqi holding a pig-headed face, almost didn't recognize it.

"Luo Qi?"

"Are you pregnant!"

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