Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1926: All property transferred to her name 1

Before Zhuang Xuejun recovered from the shock of seeing him being beaten into a pig's head, he was drunk by these words.

Han Luoqi clenched his fists, his eyes were complicated, and Zhuang Xuejun couldn't understand the struggling eyes in the heat.

I want to deny it and say no.

However, since Han Luoqi has approached the door to question, it means that he must have known it, and denial has no meaning.

So she met his waiting gaze and nodded calmly, "Yes."

"A few months."

"Three months."

"The child is mine?" Although it was a question, it was extremely certain.

She only gave him a boyfriend, who else could be his.

"Yes." Zhuang Xuejun was still calm, leaning to his side, letting out the question, "Go in and talk."

Although the security in this community is very good, generally few reporters can get in, but there is no guarantee that no one will fish in troubled waters.

It's better to come in for such things.

In the hall, Han Luoqi sat down on the sofa, and Zhuang Xuejun went to pour him a glass of water and also poured himself a glass.

Then sit down opposite him.

Han Luoqi's gaze kept falling on her, seeing that she was calm from beginning to end, without any panic, let alone any guilty conscience, he was suddenly very angry.

"Why don't you tell me! This is my child too!"

It has been three months, and he didn't even know the existence of this child!

What was even more annoying was that he came to ask her what to do in the women's hospital, but she still said that she was uncomfortable because of her period.

Go to his mother's period, how can it be possible to have a period when you are pregnant!

Thinking about her being three months pregnant, she was alone, but he didn't know it, and he felt like a fire was burning in his heart, making his chest agitated and might burst at any time!

Angry, very very angry.

I don't know whether it was mad at her concealment, or mad at her so stupid that she was alone in silently bearing all this.

"Zhuang Xuejun, if it wasn't for Xia Weibao to come to me, are you going to let me know the existence of this child!"


Han Luoqi clenched his fists, staring at her, almost breathing fire!

How could she be so confident!

"I am the child's father! I have the right to know!"

"And then." Zhuang Xuejun asked back, "You are the child's father, and you have the right to know. You now know the existence of this child. Then, what do you plan to do?"

Han Luoqi is speechless.

Yes, he knew the existence of the child, and then.

What he wants to do, what can he do.

Seeing his mouth opened several times, but he couldn't say a word, the hesitation and struggle in his eyes made Zhuang Xuejun feel a little ironic.

"Now that the child is there, do you want to marry me."


Han Luoqi looked at her and insisted on making a promise not to be born. When she met her calm gaze, she suddenly felt ashamed.

He hurriedly picked up the water on the coffee table, lowered his head, and avoided her gaze by drinking water.

Although he had expected that he would not love her and would not marry her, his evasive attitude still made Zhuang Xuejun feel cold.

"Since you don't want to marry me, now you run angrily to ask me what I want to do and let me take this child away?"

"What nonsense are you talking about!" Han Luoqi's eyes rounded, how could he not want this child!

"Then you mean you want this kid?"


Zhuang Xuejun sneered, "You want a son but not a mother, Han Luoqi, what you mean."

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