Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1931: Lower body paralysis 2

Xu Jiayang has no idea what to say, what kind of **** plot is this.

He doesn't write the script like that, okay?

The ex-girlfriend became pregnant after the breakup.

"Anyway, it's a good thing to be pregnant."

"Yes, good thing, don't you come out and celebrate." Han Luoqi said with a smile.

It's just that smile, it looks like a wry smile no matter what.

I was irritated and wanted to drink the wine on the table.

I put it to my lips and remembered that I lost control after drinking, then put it down again and stopped drinking.

"Since I'm pregnant, get married. Is it necessary to be so distressed?

Xuejun is a good girl, and you are all single again. If you get married, it's over. "

Han Luoqi felt even more irritable, "Just as simple as you said, she is indeed a good girl, and there is hardly any flaw in her.

It is precisely because she is so good, so how can I harm her. "

Xu Jiayang frowned. What does this mean? How can marriage be said to be a scourge?

He is not the kind of scumbag who plays with emotions. He has good character, strong sense of responsibility, ability and good family background.

Comparing Zhuang Xuejun and Han Luoqi, they are actually climbing high, let's talk about where the evil is.

Looking at Han Luoqi's painful appearance, it seemed that he had really encountered some serious trouble.

Dao Xu has a high IQ, and it suddenly occurred to him that something must be wrong.

Could it be...

"Are you terminally ill? AIDS? Cancer? Or something."

Han Luoqi, "..."

He grabbed a pillow and smashed it over, "You are terminally ill, crow's mouth!"

Xu Jiayang easily caught the pillow, "That's why."

Is it because you don't like Zhuang Xuejun?

Even if you don't like it, your feelings can be cultivated slowly, so you don't have to worry about it.

Han Luoqi stubbornly scratched his hair, "Do you remember when I just debuted, I fell from a high altitude in the filming scene and suffered a lumbar fracture."

Xu Jiayang frowned and became Chuan, "Remember, hasn't it been cured? Could something be wrong?"

When Han Luoqi first debuted, he had a nickname called Desperate Saburo.

All scenes are accepted, and no matter how dangerous the scenes are, they are shot in person, never used as substitutes.

Once in a costume drama, the crew made a mistake. He fell from the third floor and suffered a fractured lumbar spine. He was lying in the hospital for a few months.

Things were quite sensational at that time, and his dedication came from that time, and the road after he was discharged from the hospital was smooth.

"It wasn't a recurrence, but it was not cured at all. The situation at that time was not just a lumbar spine fracture, it almost broke a nerve.

Lumbar spine fractures can be cured, but the nerves are difficult to repair. With the current level of medicine in terms of nerves, it is still impossible to completely heal my fall.

Later, the nerve cell rake repair was done, and there was no major problem in daily life, as long as it was not injured again, the problem was not big. "

Xu Jiayang snorted and realized that something was wrong.

He suddenly remembered that more than a month ago, Han Luoqi had some accidents while filming.

But the situation at the time was not serious, and there was no trauma, so there was no hesitation.

"Is it the accident more than a month ago."

Han Luoqi nodded, "That time there was no trauma. Everyone thought it was not serious, and I thought it was all right, but a few days later, I found my leg numb and I was completely unconscious.

At first, I thought it was because I had stood for a long time, but this happened more and more frequently.

Realizing that something was wrong, I went to the hospital for an examination. The lumbar vertebrae were fine, but the nerves that were damaged at the beginning..."

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