Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1932: Are you dead when Xia Weibao 1

He spread his hands, his face full of bitterness.

"It's not going to die. The worst result is that there is no sensation in the lower body and incontinence.

In a wheelchair for a lifetime, how can you let me marry her. "

A waste person, marrying her will harm her forever.

Xu Jiayang was stunned. Han Luoqi's injury was indeed serious, but he has been doing well all these years. He thought he was completely healed, but he didn't expect it to be so serious.

In a wheelchair...

How cruel to someone so proud of him!

Thinking of something, Xu Jiayang suddenly stood up angrily, "Then you still make a big costume movie!"

Are you crazy for being so serious?

Han Luoqi shrugged indifferently, "The doctor said that he can hold on for a month at most. Anyway, it's already like this. It's better to take advantage of this month and do what you want to do, at least you won't regret it in the future."

He is not a self-blaming person. Since things are a foregone conclusion, instead of complaining about the injustice of God, it is better to hurry up and do what you want to do.

At least there will not be so many regrets in the future.

He had already accepted this fact calmly and let Zhuang Xuejun go calmly.

But she didn't want to, she was pregnant.

He was caught off guard!

Xu Jiayang obviously understands Han Luoqi's character very well. He opened his mouth several times and he couldn't say anything to refute it.

In the end I had to sigh, "Is there really no way, the medical level is so advanced now..."

Han Luoqi picked up another bottle of wine and hesitated, but still didn't drink it.

"Nerve is so easy to get it back. I have seen famous doctors at home and abroad. It is my luck to be able to drag it until now."

"What about Zhuang Xuejun, she is still pregnant with your child."

Han Luoqi lowered his eyes and suppressed all the emotions in his eyes, "I am sorry for her."

It has defiled an innocent girl and made her pregnant, but she can't take this responsibility.

Giving her all the property is the only compensation he can make.

Although he can't give her a promise, he will take care of her and the child until the person she is destined for appears.

In any case, he and the Han family will never let her be bullied.

Xu Jiayang walked over and pressed his hands heavily on his shoulders, "Isn't there one month left? Before the mountains and rivers are exhausted, we will think of other ways.

Even if it is for Xuejun and the child, you can't give up. Do you want that child who has not yet been born without a father? "

Han Luoqi's eyes fluctuated twice.

Painfully inserted his hands into the hair.

Of course he didn't want to.

If so, who wants to spend the rest of his life in a wheelchair?

What can I do if I am not reconciled.

"If TCM and Western medicine are not good, you can try other medical skills. I heard that Tibetan medicine is also very good..."

Han Luoqi looked up, "I only saw Western medicine, not Chinese medicine."

Xu Jiayang's eyes rounded, "Why don't you see Chinese medicine?"

"President Xiang said that my condition is too serious. If Western medicine can't cure it, Chinese medicine is even more impossible.

He also gave me a professional analysis and invited experts for consultation, and he came to the same conclusion. "

"Are you sick? Xiang Minhai has a prejudice against Chinese medicine. This is something that all Huaxia people know. You actually listen to him?!"

"President Xiang just thinks that Chinese medicine is inferior to Western medicine, and will not distinguish between public and private. Besides, his son Xiang Chu is not also a student of Chinese medicine. It is a rumor that he is biased against Chinese medicine."

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