Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1937: Mr. Lu exploded

He was a little embarrassed, "I don't money. All the property is being transferred. You set the price and I will make money back to you in the future.

If you are in a hurry, then I will go home and get it for you. "

Anyway, his brother has money.

Xia Weibao frowned, "Who will transfer the property to."

I rely on!

Is it possible that he wanted to transfer property before marriage, and then Zhuang Xuejun would get nothing after marriage?

"Transfer to Xuejun, didn't you want to hurt her before, of course, you have to give her the property, so that she and her children can worry about food and clothing."

Xia Weibao's complexion is better now, so you still have a conscience.

Just aim at what he is doing well to Xuejun, then get rid of it.

Xiang Chu and Hepburn are getting more and more familiar with Chinese medicine. After prescribing a prescription for Nan Yi to treat her illness, she has almost nothing to do. They are worried about finding something to do to kill the time.

The cure is just right.

When Lu Hualiang came back from get off work, he heard that Xia Weibao was going to treat Han Luoqi well, so he ran away on the spot!

"Wife, can you be a little bit pregnant? It's been seven months, can you be safe."

His head is big.

There were too many things in the Lu Group and Yan Xia Group, Yang Li left again, without a proud assistant, the newly promoted special assistant was not useful for Yang Li, and many things were on his shoulders.

Occupying his time with his wife, there is less discipline to her, and she can go to heaven!

Xia Weibao was sitting on the sofa, cleverly like a little wife.

"I am very conscious, staying at home every day."

If she didn't realize it, could she run out early, she has been locked up for several months, she is about to get moldy!

I touched my stomach, the emperor, the queen has suffered for you too.

After the baby is born, she must go out and have a good time to make up for the hardship of staying at home and raising a baby during this time!

"If you are pregnant and still toss about, this is also called conscious?"

"I didn't do anything, just to cure the disease, it was not physical work.

Besides, didn't Xiang Chu and Hepburn help me? I just need to prescribe a prescription without having to do it myself. "

"Don't you know if you are pregnant, you can't smell too irritating smell, soak in the pharmacy every day, and you are not afraid of the child's accident!"

"I'm a doctor, don't you know what you can smell and what you can't smell, make a fuss."

"Are you tired from prescribing and writing? Eyes are not tired? Brains do not require physical exertion? Do you think you have too much energy?"

Xia Weibao, "..."

She was speechless.

"Yes, no cure, no cure."

Lu Hualiang was finally relieved, and was trying to smooth her temper. When the child was born, he didn't care what she wanted to do.

But he didn't want him to say his comforting words, Xia Weibao's face was stern, "I'm so bored at home, since I won't let me treat the illness to kill time, then I will go out tomorrow, play around and come back."

Lu Hualiang, " should treat the disease."

What can he do, he is so desperate.

The queen mother immediately smiled, "Don't worry, my husband, I am well-measured and will not tire myself."

The eyebrows were all pleased, all his anger was wiped out.

He also sat down, took her hand gently, held it in the palm, "Is it boring at home?"

Xia Weibao nodded, very boring.

This is not allowed to be done, that is not allowed to be touched, and even walking must be supported, otherwise she will not be allowed to get out of bed.

She had to eat this and that every day, and she almost vomited.

A person like her who likes to run around and can't settle down, is going to be suffocated to death.

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