Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1938: Youhavebeenslain

Lu Hualiang sighed, feeling distressed.

"I will get off work early every day to accompany you."

Xia Weibao opened his eyes and smiled, "Okay."

"When you finish giving birth, where you want to go to play, I will take you there."

In his previous life, as the king of a country, he had too many responsibilities on his shoulders, and he had to trap her in the palace.

In this life, I just want to make up for her.

She likes freedom and wandering around the world, and he accompanies her.

Xia Weibao blinked, "What about the kid."

Lu Hualiang laughed, kissed tenderly, and gently touched her eyebrows, "Look at the enthusiasm of the two queen mothers at home, think it's your turn to bring the child?"

Zhong Wanshu and Yan Lingyi don't even mention Xia Weibao's stomach, they are personally waiting for them every day.

Yan Lingyi has even moved on to the idea of ​​resigning to the United Nations, returning home to bring his grandson.

And the uncle Yan Fei, the child has not yet been born, the Presidential Palace has piled up a whole villa, toys from one to ten years old are ready.

Even more concerned than his father.

Xia Weibao thought for a while and found it reasonable.

There are so many people in the family, if she wants to go out to play, she does not have to worry about bringing children.

It's just that, how can you not bring your own children.

In the previous life, Emperor Xia Liang was too domineering and didn't want her to give her attention to the child. He let the nanny take care of her, and he dominated her.

In this life, she will take care of her own children.

What Lu Hualiang thought was that his wife belonged to him, and he was the only one in his heart. How could he let the child distract her.

If you have a daughter, you can take it out to play together, and he will take it.

If you are unlucky and give birth to a son, let them fend for themselves.

The two thoughts were different, Lu Hualiang went to release the water and waited for his wife to take a bath.

The months are getting bigger and bigger, he is now a hundred worried, the bathroom floor is slippery, the bath must be accompanied by him.

At first, Xia Weibao didn't agree, but he was watched every day, so it was so cheap for him.

Later, I couldn't twist him, and I gradually got used to it.

After taking a shower, Lu Hualiang took two pillows to put her on her back and sat on the bedside, and he massaged her legs.

Edema has started to appear, and more massage will make her feel more comfortable.

"Wife, is this strength okay."

"Focus more."


"Yeah, that's it."

Xia Weibao said, holding the phone and starting to play the game.

Now that she can play with her mobile phone for an hour a day, she must hurry up.





Lu Hualiang, "..."

It was this sentence that he heard most every night, and he had already heard the calluses of his ears.

Can't help it, "My wife, the game is so fun?"

"It's fun, it's much more fun than before in the palace where you could only burn the royal study room."

"It's interesting to be killed all the way, watching others play all the way."

The empress's face was reddish and kicked, "What do you mean!"

"I think this game is not suitable for you, why don't you play something else?"

If you play with a little bit mentally retarded, such as Tetris, snake-eating, mine-sweeping, even watching, destroying the stars and so on, you won’t be able to hang out in seconds. Maybe it’s better.

The level of the black hole in this game has been regressing and has never improved. It is really speechless.

Xia Weibao frowned, "Other? Do you mean eating chicken."

Lu Hualiang, "..."

As far as you landed into a box, you should continue to play King, at least when you run on the road, you can survive for a few seconds.

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