Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1939: It's worthless if you get married!

Suddenly thinking of something, Xia Weibao put down his phone, "Husband, I remember when you chased me, you said you wanted to take me to the king, right?"

Lu Hualiang, " seems to have said so..."

"Then look at my current level, why is it still bronze?"

Lu Hualiang, "..."

You have to ask yourself, who is still bronze after playing for so long?

"How long have you not taken me to play games?"

In addition to playing a few games with her at the beginning, after the two of them slept, the number of times they took her to the game could be clicked with one hand, and later they stopped playing.

Xia Weibao took his mobile phone and flipped it through several times, and he saw that he had uninstalled the game!

"What about your game, if you say yes to take me to the king, you dare to unload it secretly!"

Mr. Lu was ashamed. To be honest, those games were just like kindergarten for him, and it was a bit of an insult to his IQ.

In order to chase his wife, I had no choice but to play.

What else to play after catching it? After catching the fish, does anyone feed it bait?

However, in the face of the fierce question from the wife, if you tell the truth at this time, there will be no good fruit, and it is still light to kick out of bed.

So he smiled and said, "The phone's memory is full, so I uninstalled a few software, maybe I accidentally uninstalled the game, I will come back now."

Xia Weibaoxin is a ghost!

What level of phone is he using, will it be full?

Don't be afraid of people making jokes!

"Do you think that you can marry me, you can't run away, you don't have to fulfill what you have promised, right?"

Looking at her with her hands on her waist and her eyes wide open, Mr. Lu had no doubt that if he said a word at this time, she would probably leave home with the ball immediately.

I can only bite the bullet and deny, "How is it possible! I will do what I promised you, and the one who promises to take you to the king must be... my wife, or I will fight for you."

This may be less difficult.

He took her to play, today she will play silver, and tomorrow she will play by herself and then fall back to bronze. It will take the year of the monkey to go up?

Xia Weibao twisted his head, "You didn't fight me, what's the point? It really is worthless if I get married. Why do I have such a hard life to marry such a liar and be deceived for two lives, oh , So pitiful, oh, why am I so pitiful."

Lu Hua had a big head and said that a pregnant woman is like a child. This sentence is true.

Since pregnancy, it has become more and more unreasonable.

"Yes, I will take you to the king, and I will definitely take you to the king."

Tonight, the king's backstage will be hacked. Change her level. This is more realistic.

When Han Luoqi came out of Lu Yuan, he did not go home immediately, but first went to buy a diamond ring.

Then I went to the flower shop to buy a whole rose, and then I drove home.

After taking a shower, I felt a little melancholy at the terrible face in the mirror.

It is indescribable that there is a pig-headed face in such a big matter of marriage proposal.

How about a few days?

But he couldn't wait any longer, he couldn't wait to take Zhuang Xuejun to the Civil Affairs Bureau to get the certificate immediately!

After thinking about it, this little detail is not important, even if it is a pig, he is also the most handsome pig in the world!

So he changed into a handsome suit, and ran to Zhuang Xuejun's door wearing an engagement ring and roses.

Excitedly fantasizing about waiting for the marriage proposal, I feel happy.

However, the doorbell rang for a long time and couldn't even enter the door...

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