Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1962: Wife Chasing 1

Han Luoqi adjusted his emotions and walked over with a faint smile.

"Mr. Xue."

Zhuang Xuejun turned his head and saw Han Luoqi standing behind him with a smile on his face. He smiled awkwardly, and stepped back calmly, pulling away from Qi Zhang.

Qi Zhang's hand stopped in the air, swayed briefly and then retracted.

Seeing the handsome man behind him, he was startled, his tone a little uncertain, "Han Luoqi?"

"Squad leader, long time no see." Han Luoqi put his hands in his pockets, with a gentle smile on his face.

The sky was dark, and the street lamp behind him, like a prince coming back from the light.

He is a very attractive man. He has been active under the spotlight all the year round. He knows all the angles and can maximize his charm.

Not only can the opposite **** be obsessed, but also the same **** can be ashamed!

Sure enough, Qi Zhang was also momentarily shocked when he saw such a dazzling Han Luoqi.

But he quickly returned to business as usual. After all, he has been around the mall all the year round, and his confidence comes from every success, not a person's appearance.

In his opinion, Han Luoqi is indeed handsome and has the potential to be a white face...

He stretched out his hand, "Long time no see."

There was some doubt in my heart, why Han Luoqi appeared here today?

This Han Luoqi is very high-minded. When he was in college, he gave various running announcements, and had no contact with the classmates, and even didn't even know who was in the class.

Even his squad leader, the number of times he has met with him, can be touched with one hand.

And the little sister Zhuang Xuejun...

He glanced at the girl next to him calmly, Qi Zhang's eyes became much gentler.

In fact, he is very grateful to Han Luoqi for his high morale, so that he has the opportunity to lead Zhuang Xuejun.

The appearance of Han Luoqi today really puzzled him.

And his first name was Zhuang Xuejun. Could it be that these two people know each other?

Qi Zhang frowned, remembering that before Zhuang Xuejun retired, he was in the same brokerage company as Han Luoqi. It is not surprising that the two knew each other.

Maybe it happened by accident, just say hello, and it was relieved.

Han Luoqi looked at Qi Zhang's outstretched hand and shook it back, "Sorry, there is a traffic jam on the road, are we late?"

Qi Zhang's expression was slightly stagnant, "You?"

"Yeah, didn't Xue Jun tell you, we came together."

Han Luoqi said as she stretched out her arms to put her arms around Zhuang Xuejun's waist, and lowered her head to her ears, and said softly, "Is it tired to stand?"

Zhuang Xuejun's body was slightly stiff, and she was not used to such intimate contact.

He smiled awkwardly and moved aside, "Fortunately, not tired."

"Then let's go to eat first, the monitor has just returned, so he should be hungry too."

After he finished speaking, he looked up at Qi Zhang, "Squad leader, is there anything you want to eat? You finally returned to China. Don't blame the two of us for the poor reception."

With a gentle smile on his face, Qi Zhang heard the provocation in his tone.

A sentence of you and a sentence of us have separated the relationship between them.

Qi Zhang couldn't turn around for a while, "You?"

"Yeah, Xuejun said that you are coming back today and she will come to pick you up. I don't worry that she will be out at night alone, so I followed. It just so happened that our classmates haven't seen each other for a long time. The monitor will not blame me for uninviting me. ?"

What this revealed was that, one, she would tell me everything.

Second, I don’t worry about her going out at night. She is under my control at night. In other words, we live together.

Qi Zhang thought of Zhuang Xuejun saying that she had no one living there. Could it be because she and Han Luoqi lived together?

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