Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1963: Wife Chasing 2

"What's the relationship between you...?"

Qi Zhang asked nonchalantly.

Zhuang Xuejun was a little embarrassed, and was about to say that they were okay, how could Han Luoqi let her deny their relationship.

Be one step ahead, "She is my child's mother."

He didn't lie, this sentence is more true than real gold!

Zhuang Xuejun was indeed his child's mother, even if Zhuang Xuejun wanted to refute, she couldn't refute it.

Qi Zhang trembled, "Are you... married?"

Han Luoqi did not answer this sentence, but looked at Zhuang Xuejun with a gentle expression.

Zhuang Xuejun was a little embarrassed, she wanted to say no.

But if you say that, how can you explain how the child came?

Would you be disappointed in her if you let the seniors know that she was pregnant when she was unmarried?

Had to smile awkwardly, neither admit nor deny.

Such an attitude, in the eyes of Qi Zhang, is a acquiescence.

Han Luoqi was in a good mood, raised her eyebrows and glanced at Qi Zhang, a little provocative under her eyes.

Robbing women with me, without seeing who I am!

Qi Zhang seemed to have been hit hard and couldn't say a word, and his whole body was withered.

During the meal, Han Luoqi had always thoughtfully prepared dishes for Zhuang Xuejun, and asked warmly.

He is totally a good husband.

Zhuang Xuejun's reaction was mediocre. At the beginning, he said a few words to let him ignore her. Han Luoqi didn't listen, so she could only give up.

It's just that there is no expression on his face, and he is obviously unhappy.

Qi Zhang watched the interaction between the two, Han Luoqi's thoughtfulness made his eyes sting, bowed his head, and ate without saying a word.

This can be said to be a very embarrassing dinner.

Except for Han Luoqi's endless concern, Qi Zhang and Zhuang Xuejun barely spoke.

After eating, Han Luoqi wanted to take Zhuang Xuejun back to rest because she could not be affected by pregnancy.

While he was driving, Qi Zhang walked to Zhuang Xuejun.

Looking at the most beloved school girl in the past, I felt very uncomfortable.

"How is he treating you."

Zhuang Xuejun was startled first, and then embarrassed, "Very good."

Qi Zhang pursed his lips lightly, looking at this dreamlike face with nostalgia, "Are you happy?"

Seeing Han Luoqi's car approaching from the corner of his eye, he was a little anxious and repeated, "Xue'er, are you happy?"


The car stopped in front of him. Before Zhuang Xuejun had time to speak, Han Luoqi got out of the car.

Smiling and walking to her, "Shall we go back?"

Zhuang Xuejun glanced at him lightly, turned to Qi Zhang and smiled, "Goodbye, senior."

After finishing speaking, walking towards the passenger seat, Han Luoqi had already opened the door of the car and covered her head.

Watching the car go away, Qi Zhang was lost and did not look back for a long time.

"Xue'er, are you happy with him?" The low voice disappeared into the wind, unable to wait to answer.

In the car, Han Luoqi was in a good mood. He won this game tonight!

Zhuang Xuejun leaned on the seat and looked sideways at the scenery flying by the window.

in silence.

"Xuejun, why don't you speak? In a bad mood?" Han Luoqi smiled and asked for a topic.

Zhuang Xuejun didn't move, his expression remained unchanged, and his tone was a little cold, "Why do you do that."

"What?" Han Luoqi said in a daze.

"Why would you say that in front of the senior?"

"What did I say."

"Say that I was pregnant with your child, and deliberately told him that we live together and do those misunderstandings, Han Luoqi, is it interesting?"

Han Luoqi pulled the corners of his mouth slightly tilted, looked straight ahead, and slowly tightened his hands holding the steering wheel.

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