Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1966: So thick-skinned 1


"What are you afraid of."

Just as Zhuang Xuejun spoke, he was interrupted by Han Luoqi.

She froze for a moment, then smiled, "What's so scary for me."

"You are afraid of falling in love with me."

Zhuang Xuejun laughed, "Han Luoqi, are you too confident in yourself?"

"You dare to say you don't feel at all for me?"


"Then why was it sad when I misunderstood that I was together with An Siwen."

"I don't have any!" Zhuang Xuejun retorted, too eager, but a little guilty.

Han Luoqi squinted at her with a smile.

Such eyes made her a little flustered.

Don't look away, "Whatever you say, I will leave tomorrow anyway."

"Okay, I will follow you wherever you go."

"You..." Zhuang Xuejun was choked, "as you go."

She wants to leave, he really can't follow along!

Suddenly, I felt that the porridge was really unpalatable. I couldn't eat my spoon and got up and walked out.

"Wife, don't you bring the cakes, what should we do if our son is hungry."

"Who is your wife, don't bark!"

"You, my wife will be my wife sooner or later."


Throwing a word coldly, Zhuang Xuejun returned to the room suffocating anger.

Han Luoqi looked cold for a few seconds before getting up and returning to the room.

In his mind, there were all the words of Zhuang Xuejun that had just been unfeeling. He didn't believe that she really didn't feel at all for him.

After all, he is so handsome, would he be tempted by a woman?

‘If you choose between you and the senior, it won’t be you. ’

‘I don’t like naive men. ’

‘...What a mature and attractive man should do tonight? ’

These words kept ringing in his ears, lingering, and her calm eyes when she spoke, like a curse, upset him.

Luo Qi sat up, **** it, actually chose Qi Zhang and didn't choose him!

He took out the mirror and narcissistically looked at his own face. In terms of looks, he can shake a few streets!

In terms of family background, the Han family can also be a few blocks away.

Then his only disadvantage should be his character.

Qi Zhang has been immersed in shopping malls all the year round, and he has the unique temperament of mature men.

And he is in the entertainment circle, more glamorous.

After thinking about it, he took out his phone, made a gesture that he thought was very deep, and then took a selfie.

Weibo at two o'clock in the morning.

Han Luoqi V: Am I mature and attractive? 【Picture jpg.】

His fans are so popular, even if it’s two o’clock in the morning, the comments below immediately went up.

——Ah, ah, ah, the male **** is even better! ! !

——Oh my God, why Luo Ge is so late so late, why doesn't he still sleep? Is he still working? Distressed my Luo brother.

——Damn, it’s actually a photo of the bed, licking the screen and licking the screen.

——As expected of my male god, he looks so handsome in pajamas!

After brushing for a long time, no one said he was mature and attractive. Han Luoqi was a little impatient and picked a few people to reply.

Han Luoqi V: Isn't it a question of whether you are handsome or not? Is it mature and attractive?

Han Luoqi V: Answer the question after seeing the question correctly, digress

Han Luoqi V: Am I a mature and attractive man?

——Ahhhhhhh, my husband actually replied to me! ! ! ! He's handsome, very, very mature and attractive, and my husband is invincible and attractive! ! ! !

——Of course attractive, my brother Luo is the most mature and attractive

——Is there anyone in this world who is more attractive than my Luo brother, definitely not (except Mr. Lu)

——Hahaha, Luo brother doesn’t sleep in the middle of the night, is he just struggling with this question? Of course you are attractive, otherwise how would we love you for ten thousand years?

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