Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1967: So thick-skinned 2

——Luo brother is so cute and there is nothing...

Everyone finally praised him for being mature and attractive, and the actor Han Da's mood finally improved.

However, when I read the comment that said he was cute, my face instantly turned bad.

How can he use the adjective cute as a mature and attractive man?

No, it must be deleted!

What if he is seen by Zhuang Xuejun will affect his image in the mind of his future wife.

For his own glorious image, the actor Han Da coldly deleted this comment.

Then calmly posted another Weibo.

Han Luoqi V: Love me, just praise me for being mature and attractive.

Then, the following unified reply, my Luo brother is the most mature and attractive.

Seeing the comment floor that is constantly being built, they all praise him for his maturity and charm.

The vanity of Han Da actor is extremely satisfying.

Tomorrow I will show these comments to Zhuang Xuejun, and see if she dare to say that he is naive!

Turn off the lights contentedly and sleep with a quilt.

Five minutes later, the brain nerves that had just convulsed slowly became awake.


Han Luoqi got up in a panic, clicked on Weibo to see what he had just posted, and immediately wanted to hit him to death!

Staring at the phone, I can’t wait to burn a hole!

Who sent such naive Weibo, who sent it, who sent it! ! !

It's definitely not him.

Looking at the rising comments below, the movie emperor Han had the desire to die, and quickly deleted Weibo.

After deleting it, I regretted it again. This is obviously a guilty conscience.

So he posted another Weibo.

Han Luoqi V: Sorry, Weibo account was hacked just now.

——Ahahahaha, brother, are you trying to laugh at me.

——Well, my account was hacked in the middle of the night, I posted on Weibo and replied to fans, we understand

——[Laughing and crying] [Laughing and crying] The male god, don’t be funny, okay, who dares to steal your account?

——The most funny thing is that the stolen account can still take a photo of Luo Ge's bed 1 and post it on the blog. It is also amazing. Who stole it? Could it be Luo Sao?

——Ahem, I didn’t expect it to be discovered by everyone. It’s true that I stole my husband’s account. Please call me Luo Sao.

——Hahaha, why is Brother Haruo so cute? If he was hacked, how could he be discovered in the middle of the night?

——Don’t do this, everyone, Luo brother is trying to cover up his childish behavior, we have to cooperate, Luo brother, we believe you have been hacked, distressed (please keep in line downstairs)

——Luo Ge, we believe that you have been hacked, and feel distressed (please stay in line downstairs)

——Luo Ge, we believe that you have been hacked, and feel distressed (please stay in line downstairs)


Han Luoqi, "..."

This group of people is so unlovable.

Can't you give him some face?

I really want to slap myself. It's okay to post some Weibo in the middle of the night, and I lose my face!

It really hurts to be idle, it seems that he needs a wife!

Anyway, I deleted Weibo once and lost my face once, so I lost it again, so I deleted Weibo again.

It should calm down tomorrow, right?

After all, it was at night, and the people who knew it were limited, and they couldn't make any waves.

However, he seemed to underestimate his influence.

Although Weibo has been deleted, it has already been cut off by Zhenai Fan.

Various topics emerge in endlessly, after several hours of fermentation, by the time of daybreak, they have been topped by hot topics.

Han Luoqi was awakened by the rapid ringtone of his cell phone, and his agent Xiao Zhou's deathly serial call almost blasted his cell phone!

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