Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1968: Stalker 1

On the phone, Xiao Zhou's voice was broken.

"Brother Luo, did you drink alcohol last night? Why did you do so much for me!!!"

Han Luoqi went to sleep until it was slightly bright, and now he has just squinted for less than an hour.

Half asleep and half awake, thinking of the silly things I did last night, my sleepiness woke up all at once.

"what's up!"

"You still have the face to ask me what's the matter! Watch it online for yourself!"

Han Luoqi hurriedly clicked on Weibo, and his hot searches were shining brightly.

Good collapse!

Are these people doing nothing to do? Take a screenshot in the middle of the night!

Although there is no negative impact, a lot of comments say that he is so cute and his image.

The image of the former Gao Leng actor collapsed suddenly.

Kick this matter to Xiao Zhou to deal with, he is too lazy to take care of it.

He scratched his hair irritably, and didn't know if Zhuang Xuejun saw this hot spot.

If he saw it, would he be even more naive.

It was really an accident last night, he was so mad, okay?

Washed in a hurry, changed into casual clothes and came to Zhuang Xuejun's door, wandering around and refused to leave.

Want to knock on the door, but dare not.

Go ahead and cook breakfast first.

Zhuang Xuejun didn't sleep well last night, and got up late today.

After washing, he went downstairs and saw Han Luoqi heating milk.

Han Luoqi just heard the sound and turned his head, eyes facing each other, a little embarrassed.

Zhuang Xuejun pretended not to look away.

"Sit down for a while, and I can finish heating the milk."

After Han Luoqi finished speaking, she continued to heat the milk, and her heart was up and down. Did she see her reaction?

After sitting down, Zhuang Xuejun habitually took out his mobile phone and swiped Weibo, and at a glance he saw that Han Luoqi was listed as popular.

She was startled, clicked on it, and laughed out loud.

Then he quickly straightened his face. Since he deleted Weibo, he must not want others to see it. It is shameful to laugh at others!

It's just that the corners of his mouth can't help but **** up, this approach is really... childish and cute.

She could even imagine that he was lying on the bed last night and couldn't fall asleep, and then suffocated his breath and sent Weibo to prove that he was mature and stable. After reacting, he guilty and deleted the blog.

The corners of the mouth become higher and higher.

Seeing Han Luoqi coming out with milk from the corner of his eyes, he quickly adjusted the expression on his face, and then put down the phone pretending to be nonchalant.

Han Luoqi glanced at her nervously and asked tentatively, "Have you read Weibo."

"No, the baby is on maternity leave and has no work. I haven't followed Weibo for a long time. What's wrong? Is the baby hacked again?"

Han Luoqi, "..."

Why did you mention Weibo, everyone's first reaction was whether Xia Weibao was hacked again?

"No, she hasn't appeared in the public eye for a long time, and Lu's golden egg is held in her stomach. Who is not afraid to provoke her."

"Oh, it's not that the baby is hacked, is there any big news on Weibo?"

"No." Han Luoqi was a little guilty, and then made a very reluctant excuse, "I want you to use less internet and mobile phones, which is not good for the fetus. Look at Xia Weibao, after pregnancy, you are restricted from using mobile phones. "

Zhuang Xuejun is speechless, this excuse, dare not to take his heart.

Besides, can you not compare her to Xia Weibao? The Lu family made a fuss. Where Xia Weibao was pregnant, she was in jail!

So, it is not necessarily a good thing to marry a rich family, it is too free.

Han Luoqi wondered if he did too little.

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