Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1987: Married 4

He Qi Zhang is just a relationship between college classmates and nothing else.

The cause of the incident was that the mother of Han ran into a reporter while shopping, and was blocked and asked if she knew about Zhuang Xuejun and Han Luoqi, and whether the Han family would agree with Zhuang Xuejun and Han Luoqi.

Originally, the Han mother didn't want to pay attention to the reporters, but she didn't know who said that Zhuang Xuejun was pregnant with Qi Zhang's child. The Han family would definitely not accept this kind of nonchalant woman. The result can be imagined.

This sentence irritated Mrs. Han on the spot, and then she scolded the reporter, saying that Zhuang Xuejun was the well-known daughter-in-law of the Han family, and she was carrying the grandson of the Han family.

One stone caused a thousand waves, and this news was tantamount to throwing a depth bomb into the already restless entertainment industry.

Mother Han also realized that she had exposed her mouth, but she couldn't help it. Now that she had already said it, it was better to admit it openly instead of covering it up.

Zhuang Xuejun is not shameful, just can support her.

Not everyone can bully her daughter-in-law of the Han family!

So Han Mu recognized Zhuang Xuejun's identity in front of the media, and publicly admitted that Zhuang Xuejun was a grandson of the Han family.

The reporters were all dictated by the wind, and when they saw Han Mu talked about Zhuang Xuejun, he laughed from ear to ear, her attitude changed a hundred and eighty degrees, and they all praised Zhuang Xuejun.

Han family, no one wants to offend.

Don't mention Mother Han too happy.

This incident spread to the Internet, and the uproar caused can be imagined.

Han Luoqi stood in front of Zhuang Xuejun, a little nervous.

"Xuejun, this incident was an accident. My mother didn't expect to meet a reporter. She didn't want you to be wronged, so she said that."

"What do you say like that." Zhuang Xuejun looked at him, calmly.

"Say...say you are the daughter-in-law of the Han family."

"Well, then."

Han Luoqi squeezed both fists, "Let’s... let’s get married, listen to me, now things have become like this, everyone outside thinks that you are my wife and you are pregnant with my child. , How to explain our relationship? And how to explain the existence of this child.

You know how terrible reporters are. They will only dig deeper and deeper, and no one can tell what will be involved.

If Qi Zhang were also involved, it would only be more complicated.

And our child, don’t you think he was born with stains? When he grows up, if he knows this past, he knows that he is not the crystallization of his parents’ love, but a wrong birth. What will he do if he speaks badly?

Zhuang Xuejun's face changed slightly, and Han Luoqi's words directly hit her soft threat.

Seeing her waver, Han Luoqi continued, "Xuejun, let's get married and we will cultivate our relationship slowly.

I will try my best to make you fall in love with me, and I will not force you to do anything before that, and nothing will change.

The wedding was not held for the time being on the grounds that it was not suitable for labor.

No matter what you ask, I will follow you. "

Zhuang Xuejun looked down and looked at the news on the phone page.

Although the mother of Han admitted her identity with the child in her belly, some people questioned whether she and Han Luoqi were married and whether the child was an illegitimate child. Some people even said that she did not hesitate to climb into Han Luoqi's bed in order to marry a wealthy family, and then became pregnant. .

These are not what she wants to see.

After a few seconds of silence, she nodded.

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