Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1988: Bridal room, on the sofa 1

That being the case, then... get married.

Han Luoqi was overjoyed and took Zhuang Xuejun to receive the certificate that day.

Set the name first, and everything else is easy to talk about.

After receiving the certificate, Han Luoqi couldn't wait to send messages to all her relatives and friends to tell everyone the good news.

"My wife, today is our wedding day. Would you like to call everyone out to celebrate."

"No, I'm a little tired and want to go home and rest."

These days, I am exhausted physically and mentally by rumors on the Internet.

Seeing the tired look under her eyes, Han Luoqi felt distressed, "Well, let's go home, and my husband will cook for you by himself."

He hugged her waist and walked out.

Without a mask and sunglasses, he walked out of the Civil Security Bureau with a swagger against his swaggering face. That posture is not to mention arrogant.

Actor Han is so high-profile that he naturally attracted attention.

Passers-by took out their phones to take pictures.

Zhuang Xuejun is a low-key person. She doesn't like hype. She didn't have a strong sense of presence when she was in the entertainment circle. Now she has retired, and she doesn't like this kind of onlookers.

Struggled lightly, trying to pull away the hand that Han Luoqi was holding her waist.

However, Han Luoqi held his arms tighter.

He even turned his head and kissed her on the face, "Wife, we are now a legal couple."

Zhuang Xuejun was taken aback. The words legal husband and wife were a bit strange to her.

Are you married like this?

To be honest, she never thought that she would enter the marriage hall so soon.

But this feeling is pretty good to be honest.

It's just that it's really unaccustomed to be onlookers, and want to keep Han Luoqi low-key, but they have already reached the car.

I swallowed everything I wanted to say.

Back home, the Internet has already exploded.

Those Korean fans who have been in a state of rampage since the Korean mother publicly admitted Zhuang Xuejun's identity have witnessed the two of them embracing and walking out of the Civil Security Bureau and completely exploded.

He is afraid that Weibo will fry the pan directly.

Zhuang Xuejun was sitting on the sofa to rest, Han Luoqi suddenly sat over, wrapped her waist with one hand, and quickly put her head to the side and kissed her on the cheek.

Then there was a click.

Before Zhuang Xuejun recovered from the shock, Han Luoqi had let go of her, picked up her mobile phone and tweeted happily.

She was shocked, and was about to stop her, Han Luoqi had already turned her head and showed her a big smile.

"My wife, I think we should make it public, lest those people always chew their tongues."

After that, I went to edit Weibo with joy.

Seeing him smiling so happily, Zhuang Xuejun suddenly felt soft, and finally did not say what to stop it.

"I'll pour a glass of milk, what would you like to drink."

"Wait, wife, sit down, and I will pour it for you."

Han Luoqi dropped the phone, pressed her down, got up and poured milk.

After a while, the milk was warmed up and brought it in front of her, "Wife, drink milk."

Zhuang Xuejun frowned slightly, "Can you stop calling me wife."

It sounds weird.

"You are my wife."

"But didn't we say yes, everything is business as usual."

Han Luoqi is very innocent, "It's business as usual, but we have obtained the certificate now, right? You are my wife."

Zhuang Xuejun twisted her eyebrows, saying that is correct, but there is always something wrong...

"Then, you can't kiss me in the future."

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