Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1999: Live Kneeling Durian 2

——My Luo brother is so pitiful, Luo Sao, please forgive him, this summer kneeling durian, Luo brother's skin is tanned, not handsome...

——Sister Luo, Brother Luo knew he was wrong, forgive him this time

——Yes Luo Sao, it's Luo Ge bastard, if he commits again next time, can we help you interrupt his dog legs?

——Sister Luo, just let Brother Luo come in, his hair is almost smoky...

The sound of Luo Sao made Zhuang Xuejun's face flushed.

What are these people talking about?

This is too...what's the matter.

He glanced at the man in the live broadcast, kneeling straight, staring in the direction of the door, as if waiting for her to go out.

Look at the durian under his knee again. Zhuang Xuejun regrets that it was wasted. The baby likes to eat durian very much.

Exiting the live page, there is no doubt that the hot search on Weibo has been bloodbathed by Han Luoqi!

#韩洛麒 knee durian#


#揭密Han Ying Di and Zhuang Xuejun's Husband and Wife#

#Out of favor? The marriage changed? Actor Han live broadcasts kneeling durian to coax his wife! #

#安思雯小三,Involve in the relationship between Hanzhuang husband and wife#

When she saw the last popular article, Zhuang Xuejun was a little puzzled. Han Luoqi kneeled on the durian. What happened to Guan Ansiwen?

Speaking of which, she almost forgot the existence of this person.

I clicked on it and found out that during the filming of the crew, Han Luoqi had been rumored that she and Han Luoqi had a marriage crisis, and An Siwen had not had the enthusiasm of Han Luoqi some time ago, and Xia Weibao ordered suppression by the company, so she got mixed up. Very miserable.

This time, seeing Han Luoqi's marriage discord with her, An Siwen came to his mind again, rubbing Han Luoqi's enthusiasm, spreading rumors that Han Luoqi's marriage crisis with her was because of her remaining love for An Siwen...

Now that Han Luoqi knelt durian in public to ask her for forgiveness, it even confirmed that he was sorry for her, so An Siwen's previous self-directed and self-acted scandal became her life-death...

Zhuang Xuejun was a little speechless, is this woman stupid, she has killed herself.

It was originally a traffic star with no strength, and now it is making such a fuss, the future star journey is probably ruined.

I was scanning Weibo and another message popped up. This is an interview video of a Korean mother.

It turned out that when Han Mu was visiting the mall, she was blocked by reporters again.

When asked about his son kneeling in public or kneeling durian, and broadcasting live, what Han's mother thinks, Han's mother was confused, "What kind of durian, how can my son kneel on durian!"

Is this plausible, the dignified young master of the Han family actually kneeled down!

Kneeling Durian!

As soon as the reporter saw her reaction, she knew she didn't know it yet, and immediately became happy.

It's not too big to watch the excitement, and the rich are most concerned about face, this time Zhuang Xuejun is miserable.

How can such a savage daughter-in-law gain a foothold in the Han family?

When the live broadcast page was placed in front of Han Mu, Han Mu was startled for a moment, and then suddenly realized.

"It turns out that my daughter-in-law punished him to kneel durian. He should, kneel well, and won't get up if he doesn't kneel enough for a day. Xuejun, if you feel uncomfortable, you can tell mom that mom will break his leg!"

Zhuang Xuejun, "..."

Is this your mother? How do you feel Han Mu is better to her than to Han Luoqi?

She touched her belly, is it really expensive for mothers and children?

Or Han Mu felt that Han Luoqi couldn't get married, and it was hard for someone to ask for it, so she had to coax her?

Ah no, I can't marry a wife.

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