Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 2000: Live Kneeling Durian 3

After Han's interview came out, the problem of mother-in-law and daughter-in-law hardly existed, and it was more important to protect her daughter-in-law than her son.

It is said that a wealthy wife is not easy to be a wife, but she does not have this problem when marrying a wealthy wife, let alone envy others.

A bunch of sour words on Weibo.

Husband is okay, mother-in-law is okay.

Why did Zhuang Xuejun bump into the good things in the world?

Obviously she is a retired actress. She was not tepid before, but suddenly she flew to the branch to become a phoenix, envy, jealous and hate!

Zhuang Xuejun glanced, the internet was messed up, and she lost her mind.

Clicking on Han Luoqi's live broadcast again, he was still kneeling.

With those firm eyes, it seemed that if she didn't go out, he would not get up.

The barrage wailed and made her forgive him.

Zhuang Xuejun walked to the window and secretly looked out.

In fact, when she saw Han Luoqi kneeling durian in public, she was no longer angry.

Although he was very excessive, he did nothing to achieve his goal, and he didn't put the safety of her and the child into consideration.

She also ran away from home without saying a word and did not go home for a week, causing her to fall into rumors.

But a man has gold under his knees. If a man is willing to do this for you, what else is she dissatisfied with.

It's just that so many people outside...

She dare not let her go out now.

There is a shadow on these reporters.

Not knowing what to do, finally called Xia Weibao for help.

"Baby, what do you want me to do?"

"What do you do." Xia Weibao lay in the greenhouse, admiring flowers and eating fruits.

"Han Luoqi is still kneeling durian outside, what should I do."

"Oh, this, let him kneel, he won't die anyway. By the way, you should call him and tell him not to kneel so hard, don't break the durian, you can give it to me to eat."

Zhuang Xuejun, "..."

Xia Weibao, you foodie!

After hanging up the phone, Zhuang Xuejun smiled and cursed his friend, then looked out the window worriedly.

Is it possible to get heat stroke in such a big sun?

Han Luoqi knelt upright, his expression was extremely firm, there is a kind of posture that I can't afford to kneel if your wife doesn't come out!

In my heart, he scolded Lu Hualiang eight hundred times!

What the hell? What is the most useful thing to say to coax his wife to kneel durian? He has been kneeling for more than half an hour and his knees are peeling!

But Zhuang Xuejun still didn't mean to come out.

What to do now, so desperate.

Ask him to say, go straight into the window and hug his wife to coax him slowly.

Kneeling for another five minutes, Zhuang Xuejun still did not come out, Han Luoqi's body was shaky, almost unable to support it.

So a call came to Lu Hualiang's cell phone.

"Mr. Lu, what you said about kneeling durian is useless at all!" This tone of voice was resentful, and it was full of resentment.

Lu Hualiang sat in the office, leaning back, and said with great experience, "Don't worry, women are soft-hearted creatures. If you continue to kneel, maybe she is watching distressedly by the window."

Han Luoqi vomited wildly, "I don't feel reliable at all."

President Lu snorted domineeringly, "Listen to me right."

This is his experience.

Suddenly thinking of something, he said, "By the way, it's better to be gentle when you kneel. Don't kneel the durian badly. If it breaks and cannot be eaten, the consequences will be serious."

Han Luoqi didn't even want to complain, "It's your wife, right."

Only Xia Weibao, a foodie, would regard durian as more important than her husband!

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