Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 801: Who burst my chrysanthemum!

——Xia Weibao is a bitch. He has always regarded Weiyang as a thorn in his eyes. Now seeing that we Weiyang have made a good boyfriend like Mr. Lu, I am jealous and come to grab it.


Xia Weibao was stunned, these people are really good at black and white.

She opened her mouth without even knowing the truth.

Obviously she is Lu Hualiang's righteous wife, okay, now she has been scolded as a fox.

Instead, Xiao San was promoted to the main room, and all kinds of grievances.

Is this feeling really... weird.

When the car stopped at the traffic light, Xia Shi picked up the phone and swiped Weibo.

Today's Weibo is very lively.

Seeing that Xia Weibao was bitten by Yan Weiyang's fans, Xia Shi was speechless, "I found out that you really have a black physique, and you were shot while lying down."

Xia Weibao shrugged. In fact, she was also quite depressed.

She obviously didn't do anything, she just attended an event, and the fire burned on her again.

"Don't bother about this kind of thing, whoever is serious will lose." Xia Weibao said indifferently.

When the green light arrives, Xia Shi starts the engine, "Yes, you have to correct your attitude. You don't have to come forward for this kind of low-level tearing force, and your fans will bite back."

Even if the fans do not consciously tear it, Hongtu's public relations department will make an emergency response and buy the navy to tear it back.

The most taboo for artists is to directly participate in tearing.

Xia Weibao didn't worry about this at all.

Sitting in the passenger seat, turning his head to look at the scenery outside the window, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but rise.

Happy inwardly.

Although I pretended to be generous before, I felt that as long as Lu Hualiang's heart was on her, Yan Weiyang's rumored scandal would spread, anyway, it wouldn't affect their relationship.

It doesn't matter if Lu Hualiang doesn't explain.

In fact, she still minded.

Otherwise, I won't feel uncomfortable when I see Yan Weiyang rubbing Lu Hua again and again.

For so many days without doing anything, deep down, I want to see Lu Hualiang's reaction.

She waited until she was disappointed.

Unexpectedly, he still came forward to clarify.

Xia Shi drove the car and saw Xia Weibao snickering from the corner of her eyes, and shook her head amused.


A woman in love is hypocritical.

Even as cool as Xia Weibao, he can't pass the love level.

The nanny car appeared too many times in public, and many paparazzi recognized it. Xia Shi did not dare to send Xia Weibao to her door.

Instead, they put people down at a small road that leads to the back door of the Huxin community.

Xia Weibao walked in, humming briskly.

Seeing a paparazzi stalking behind her, the corners of her mouth slowly curled up, and she suddenly disappeared.

The two paparazzi who heard the wind looked at each other

How did people disappear out of thin air?

Damn it!

The two looked around for a while, and they were sure they didn't see Xia Weibao. They cursed that they could hide, and then left.

Xia Weibao was sitting on the branch, dangling his legs comfortably.

Hearing the two cursing, the empress was in a good mood to play with them.

He picked a fruit from the tree and slammed it at one of them.

She originally wanted to smash him with all four feet upside down, but she didn't want the person to suddenly sneez, the force was so strong that her whole body staggered forward.

So Xia Weibao's fruit hit his chrysanthemum very accurately.

"Oh, who, who burst my chrysanthemum!"

The man covered his back with his hands and jumped in place, obviously hitting the painful spot.

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