Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 802: Wind direction reversal

Xia Weibao wiped a sweat.

She had already aimed, and hit the jeans pocket on his right butt, where the fabric was thick and wouldn't hurt.

As a result, he sneezed so hard that he was so lucky, and then he was recruited. If he was lucky enough to be like this, there was no one.

It's none of her business.

No longer care about these two people, go home to find a relatives husband.

Looking around, it was dark, there was no one around, and there was another greenery.

It's cold at night in winter, and it's near the Huxin Community, sparsely populated.

Xia Weibao smiled slowly, didn't go down, jumped directly from one tree to another, and then directly flew over with light effort.

She hasn't used light work for a long time.

In the past, light work was normal in ancient times and could fly around every day.

But after coming to modern times, this is a supernatural event. She seldom uses internal force, and even less light work.

Almost forget the feeling of flying freely.

Taking advantage of the fact that no one is flying now, he feels lighthearted.

The two paparazzi who were about to leave suddenly felt the wind gusts behind them, and the two shivered suddenly, and goose bumps all over their bodies.

Looking back with some fear, I saw a white figure flying past the treetops with a whistling sound.

Coming without a shadow, leaving without a trace, the white shadow fluttering and disappearing.


When Xia Weibao came home, Lu Huashan hadn't come back. She was recently a newcomer to Diyu. She has picked up several movies and is very busy.

Xiang Chu and Hepburn helped Zhong Wanshu with acupuncture in the room.

Lu Hualiang handles some urgent matters in the study.

She shrugged and went to dinner by herself, and Fubo left her a meal.

The chef also went to cook some side dishes.

She swiped Weibo while eating. As expected, Yan Weiyang's fans pulled her into the water, and then her gems became angry and all went up to bitterly.

The combat effectiveness of Gems is obvious to all. Although the number of fans is ten times less than that of Yan Weiyang, our brothers and sisters are united.

In addition, Yan Weiyang couldn't stand up at all this time, so he was quickly scolded by Gems to the point of being bloody, and finally silenced.

——Can some people’s fans have a bit of quality? Sure enough, what kind of idol there is, there will be what kind of dog, besides knowing what else to bite people

——That is, my baby never said a word from beginning to end. Why do you say that she is a junior?

——I have to pull on my Weibao goddess for anything. Did she provoke you?

——Hey, who made our baby so good? Some people are so scared that they are afraid of being crushed by our baby, so they step on my baby.

——That’s right, dare to say that my goddess is a mistress, the evidence is that you don’t need to be responsible for speaking through the screen, right?

——I don’t know if people say it’s terrible, I killed Xia Weibao three years ago, and now I’m going to do it again, disgusting Bara

Xia Weibao was indeed an unsuspecting disaster this time. She had never done anything before, and because she was the first person to be followed by Lu Hualiang, she was scolded as a mistress.

Once she was so badly hacked, many people have followed the trend.

Later, after learning the truth, and adding Xia Weibao's surprise to everyone many times, everyone was admired by her strength.

Now many people will no longer easily believe that she is a junior.

After all, the face was hit too many times, and it was going to be swollen.

Because of this, many neutral people have excused her after seeing her lying innocently.

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