Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 803: The truth is out

——To be honest, this time I think Xia Weibao was really wronged.

——Is it very wrong? I was hacked for some reason. I don’t know how she came out as a junior, because Lu Hualiang paid attention to her? Is that who Lu Hualiang pays attention to, who is the mistress? Only paying attention to Yan Weiyang is not a junior? This kind of logic is too

——It's not Yan Fen, nor Xia Fen, but this matter I stand in Xia Weibao, don't you think it is strange to say that these days it has been spreading that Yang Weiyang and Lu Hualiang are in love, but who has seen it? Are they two together?

——Don’t tell me upstairs, it’s really not. It seems that Yan Weiyang has always been jumping, going to the Huxin community and the Lu’s group, but Lu Hualiang never appeared with her at the same time. During the meal, I did see Mr. Lu, but the woman beside him couldn't see his face. Who said it was Yan Weiyang?

—— She wore a set of clothes, but according to my aluminum alloy dog ​​eyes, the woman next to Mr. Lu is not Yan Weiyang. First, the femininity is better than Yan Weiyang, and second, she seems to have a bigger breast , Also higher, the standard figure of an international model

——The upstairs is amazing, and you can see that the chest is bigger in the sweater

At this point in the discussion, someone immediately picked up the photo of the woman next to Mr. Lu, and compared it with the photo of Yan Weiyang that appeared in front of the Emperor Yumen today.

There are even computer experts who directly use data analysis.

In the end, they really let them analyze it. Lu Hualiang's height is at least 185 and Yan Weiyang is only 165. The two stood together, probably barely reaching their chest.

And the woman Lu Hualiang brought to dinner that day was at least 170.

In terms of height, it is definitely not Yan Weiyang.

Looking at the figure again, although the sweater is looser, it can be vaguely seen from the front arc.

Yan Weiyang's figure is actually not very good, wearing loose clothes is a peaceful princess.

Looking at the hairstyle again, although Yan Weiyang also had black hair curled up that day, there is no difference from a distance, but the effect of curling and straight hair curling up is not very different, and the fluffy feeling is different.

Lu Hualiang's woman should have long straight hair.

Finally, there is temperament. The beauties around Lu Hualiang can feel the immortal air across the screen. Although Yan Weiyang is a goddess, he is not in touch with the immortal air.

Taken together, that woman is not Yan Weiyang at all!

The computer analysis emperor sorted out all the data, and then posted a post on the Internet, causing a wave of waves in an instant!

——In this way, the woman is really not Yan Weiyang, if it weren't for her, she deliberately changed into the same clothes, the water in it, ha ha

——Oh my God, that is to say, from the beginning to the end, Yan Weiyang is directing and acting on Mr. Lu's enthusiasm, and then Mr. Lu couldn't see it, so he opened Weibo to clarify?

——Tsk Tsk, it is embarrassing that Tangtang International Movie Queen actually used this kind of indiscriminate means to hype

——Slap, I seem to have seen Yan Weiyang’s face swollen

——But it’s not right. Since Mr. Lu wants to clarify, why not say a word after opening Weibo

——Of course Mr. Lu is very cold, Yan Weiyang is too lazy to deal with things like this, so he directly opens a Weibo and just follow the individual to show his attitude

——Mr. Lu is clearly saying that you don’t even deserve my clarification. Such indifference is more hurtful than posting a clarification. Tsk tsk, too handsome!

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