Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 810: Be interviewed

The voting result now is.

First place: Yan Weiyang, 1.43 million votes.

Second place: Xia Weibao, 800,000 votes.

Third place: Hua Shan, 550,000 votes.

With four days left, Xia Weibao had the final say, and started canvassing votes.

So I called one by one, and talked about it after a wave of friendship.

She actually doesn't have many friends in the entertainment circle.

I used to have many friends, but since her accident three years ago, the wall was pushed down by everyone, and she could see the faces of those people, and all of them broke off.

Now these friends have met after the comeback, especially when filming "Allure", I met many new friends.

Just after the phone call, I heard Xia Shi's voice.

"Baby, go online, Yan Weiyang is interviewed."

Xia Weibao raised his eyebrows, and the public relations department of Emperor Entertainment was really strong, so he quickly made a response.

In contrast, Hongtu's public relations department is really too slick!

As soon as I opened the webpage, a video of Yan Weiyang being interviewed popped up.


Yan Weiyang's face was pale, and her face was very haggard.

It can be seen that I didn't sleep all night.

It is estimated to be affected by those things on the Internet.

Xia Weibao glanced through the video, curled his lips, disdainful, and put on makeup.

This trick can't hide from her eyes.

Traditional Chinese medicine pays attention to seeing, hearing, and inquiring. The first thing to look for when seeing a doctor is to look at the complexion and symptoms. No matter what kind of complexion, there is no way to hide in front of her.

Yan Weiyang looks haggard, all drawn.

"It's pretty like acting." Xia Shi commented.

"Hypocrisy, a woman just loves the image." Leng Yan snorted coldly.

Suddenly thinking of something, he glanced at Xia Weibao and suddenly didn't want to speak.

Yes, he is the one who will be the most shameful.

"What do you think she would explain?" Leng Yan asked.

Xia Shi was expressionless, and sat over to watch Xia Weibao.

It must be said that the media does not chase after the wind, and she herself explained that the media does not listen to it is innocent. The public relations department of Emperor Entertainment Media is notoriously powerful.

Black can also be washed into white.

It is difficult to suppress Yan Weiyang through this incident.

Xia Weibao didn't care about this. She only had one thing in her mind. How would Lu Hualiang explain that Weibo only paid attention to her.

If he asked him to pay more attention to a few people, he would definitely be unwilling.

She man, why pay attention to others.

Xia Weibao couldn't help but sigh, how embarrassingly possessive this is.

It's just that it's so natural to possess it.

Soon, the interview began.

There are not many reporters, they are all invited by Emperor Entertainment Media.

You don't need to think about it, you must have stuffed the red envelopes, and it is very clear what to ask and not to ask.

The reporters got straight to the topic.

"Miss Yan, may I ask the Internet that you deliberately created a scandal with President Lu, is this true?"

Yan Weiyang's expression was haggard, his body trembled lightly, the water gleamed in his eyes, his lips were pale, and he seemed to have suffered all his grievances.

"About this matter, I have already posted on Weibo to explain it before. The relationship with Mr. Lu is just an ordinary friend. There are rumors on the Internet, and I am helpless."

"Someone sees that you have entered the Huxin community, did they go to Mr. Lu?"

"No, I heard that Mrs. Lingyi has returned to China, so I went to talk to her."

When this was said, let alone the reporter, even the fans who were watching the live broadcast were shocked.

"What? Wei Young actually knows Madam Lingyi?"

"Oh my god, that's the first lady of China, Wei Young is too powerful, and listening to her tone, she seems to be very familiar with Madam Lingyi..."

The reporter seemed to have caught the big news. When Yan Lingyi was mentioned, Huaxia would show a look of worship.

"Miss Yan, do you know Mrs. Lingyi?"

"Yes, I know Mrs. Lingyi very well, she admires me very much."

Yan Weiyang said with a smile, very proud, but her mother, can you not appreciate her.

I was a little proud. He Xin sent her an email last night, but the answer was not so, but that she was passing by.

She deliberately said that she was looking for Mrs. Lingyi. As a result, her image instantly rose a few grades.

Just like in our lives, if someone knows a big person, others will subconsciously want to curry favor with her, the same reasoning.

The celebrity effect, through Yan Lingyi's light, others look at her differently.

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