Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 811: God reverses, hit the face! 1

Sure enough, the expression in Yan Weiyang's eyes changed.

Take a bit to please.

Leng Yan hummed, "So shameless, she really knows Madam Lingyi? Why do I not believe it so much."

Yan Weiyang is the matter of Yan Lingyi's daughter, which few people in the entertainment industry know about.

Leng Yan definitely didn't know.

Xia Weibao glanced at the expressionless Xia Shi, wondering if Xia Shi knew.

She felt that Xia Shi knew a lot.

Xia Weibao retracted his gaze and continued to watch the interview, silently calculating how many episodes Yan Weiyang could live in the palace battle drama.

I have to say that this woman is very smart and knows how to use her own advantages.

Also knows how to distinguish the relationship.

At the interview site, the reporters' attitudes were much better, and they were not aggressive at the beginning.

But the question is to keep asking, after all, everyone wants to dig out more news value.

"Ms. Yan, someone saw you having breakfast near Lu's group the other day. Did you eat with Mr. Lu."

"No." Yan Weiyang looked as usual. "There is a special breakfast shop near the Lu's Group. I have always liked the breakfast there. I used to go there. I am a regular customer there and have a member. If you don't believe it, you can check it. "

She said this paragraph very frankly.

It's all facts.

She is indeed a regular customer of that special breakfast shop and has opened a member.

As long as she has time, she will go there for breakfast, and there is a fixed position, no one can find out.

As for why she often goes there, it is not because she likes the breakfast there, but because the breakfast shop is facing the gate of Lu's Group, and she can occasionally see Lu Hualiang coming in and out from there, and she is satisfied.

"Ms. Yan, you went to the Lu Group for three hours yesterday morning, and the Internet said that you were going to have a tryst with Mr. Lu, is it true?"

Upon hearing this question, Yan Weiyang smiled bitterly, full of deep helplessness.

She is an actor and a queen, she naturally knows what kind of expression should be shown under what circumstances, and she is impeccable.

"I did go to the Lu Group yesterday morning, but it was not a tryst with President Lu."

"Then why did you go to the Lu Group?"

"Official business, as the endorsement of Lu's jewelry brand and high-end clothing brand, I have been negotiating since the day I returned to China. Yesterday morning I just went to negotiate the final details."

As soon as this explanation came out, the reporters and fans at the live broadcast were a little upset.

It was for official business, is that really the case?

"Since it's an official business, why are you alone?"

Faced with the reporter's question, Yan Weiyang calmly said what he said to Yan Fei.

"My agent received a phone call temporarily. Her daughter is sick and wants to take her to the hospital. The endorsement of Lu's jewelry and high-end clothing brands has already been discussed. I only have to make a final confirmation. I can talk about it by myself. Proper."

It is true that He Xin took her daughter to see a doctor, and even if the paparazzi checked it out, she couldn't catch her.

To make his statement more convincing, Yan Weiyang added.

"I don't know why this incident was uploaded on the Internet as I went to find Mr. Lu. In order not to cause trouble to Mr. Lu, I have posted a clarification on Weibo in time, explaining that Mr. Lu and I are just ordinary friends. Can be controlled."

Having said this, she showed a guilty expression.

Everything is explained in a reasonable and reasonable way, so that no one can fault it.

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