Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 819: Slap again!

Xia Weibao clapped his hands, "Exclusive bone loosening technique, I didn't even teach my apprentice, it's cheaper for you."

Leng Yan cried, it's so cheap, can he not want it.

After giving a lesson to a certain stupid lack, Xia Weibao felt well physically and mentally, and made people help her canvass for votes in a refreshing manner.

Emperor Entertainment Media, Yan Weiyang was still furious, the door of the lounge was pushed open, He Xin ran in in a panic.

"Don't you know what to knock on the door when you come in, what to do recklessly!"

She was so angry that there was nowhere to send it. Seeing He Xin coming in, she suddenly stopped getting angry.

He Xin held her breath in her throat, and also complained about Yan Weiyang.

At the beginning, she wanted to bind Lu Hualiang's hype, and the more the hype became too much, now that the matter has been exposed, it has angered other people!

He Xin suffocated, but thought that Yan Weiyang was now her way of making money and could only bear it.

She took a deep breath, "Han Luoqi sent Weibo to help Xia Weibao canvass."


Yan Weiyang's complexion changed. Han Luoqi was the first brother of Diyu and her senior. It was rumored that the relationship between them had been very good.

When she first entered Diyu, in order to gain popularity, the company asked Han Luoqi to take her.

She deliberately appeared to be close to Han Luoqi, but kept a distance, creating the illusion that Han Luoqi was chasing her.

There have always been rumors outside that Han Luoqi was obsessed with her, waiting for her without having a girlfriend.

Such bundling CP hype is the company's tacit approval.

In the beginning, Han Luoqi did take her to many activities and showed great concern for her, and did not clarify his pursuit of her.

So she didn't understand what Han Luoqi thought about her.

There were too many uploads on the Internet, and she thought that Han Luoqi actually liked her.

Since she went to Hollywood to develop, she almost broke off contact with Han Luoqi. After returning to China, she met in front of the company and was photographed by reporters. It was posted on the Internet. Some people said that Han Luoqi had rekindled her old love.

Under such circumstances, Han Luoqi publicly canvassed Xia Weibao, but didn't help her. Didn't he slap her in the face!

I thought that some time ago, she asked Han Luoqi to help her canvass for votes, but Han Luoqi didn't even reply to the news and treated her as transparent.

But now they are helping Xia Weibao!

Yan Weiyang's face was a little pale, and at the same time a little bit of hatred.

After doing countless psychological constructions, only then did I have the courage to click on Han Luoqi's Weibo.

He actually put Weibo on top!

Han Luoqi V: A certain treasure said that if he can raise 200,000 votes in one day, he will invite me to a big meal. Whether my brother can feast on his mouth, it depends on you [picture jpg.] [picture jpg.]

There are two pictures attached below. One is a picture of him and Xia Weibao squatting in a corner eating a box lunch. It is a snapshot of "Despair".

There is also a screenshot of him voting for Xia Weibao.

As soon as this comment came out, Han Luoqi's fans went crazy immediately.

Among domestic male stars, Han Luoqi's appeal is definitely leverage!

——Wow, Luo brother, are you familiar with the baby?

——Damn! Brother Luo, did you and Xia Weibao go to jail, actually squatted on the ground to eat a box of lunch, the image is so handsome, you return my male god!

——Too terribly grounded. You were abused by Xu Jiayang, right? The hero and heroine are actually going to squat to eat a box lunch, the tiger touches my brother Luo

——Roge's order, don’t dare to obey, go and vote for the baby goddess immediately

—— originally planned to vote for Yan Weiyang, so he rushed to Luo Ge to vote for Xia Weibao.

Han Luoqi lay on the sofa like an uncle, picking out a few comments and replies with interest.

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