Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 820: Who said I didn't slap her in the face?

He usually doesn’t respond to the comments of fans, and he rarely interacts. This time he tried to canvass for Xia Weibao.

Reply [My Luo brother]: Xia Weibao and I are not very familiar, maybe it can be eaten with a little soy sauce to the degree of ripeness.

Reply to 【Luoshitianxia】: Yes, I was abused by Director Xu to the point where I could only eat prison food. You see, I am thin and need a big meal to supplement, so hurry up to vote, I need Xia Weibao's meal what

Reply [Sesame Biscuits]: Haha, hurry up and cast it, the baby is also my goddess

Seeing that the male **** who has never interacted with fans actually interacted with them, all fans were flattered and jumped in excitement.

Ouch, the male **** asks for a flop! Please hug, kiss, and touch!

Vote for Xia Weibao right away, Brother Luo turned over my brand, and I immediately voted for Xia Weibao and pulled the whole family to vote for Xia Weibao!

Seeing Xia Weibao's votes start to skyrocket, Han Luoqi smiled happily.

Even interacting with fans is very exciting.

Agent Xiao Zhou was worried, "Brother Luo, are you really good like this."

"What's wrong."

"You and Yan Weiyang are artists from the same company. She is still the younger sister you brought, but if you don't help her canvass votes, you help her competitor canvass votes. This will make people mistakenly think you are hitting her in the face."

Han Luoqi looked contemptuous, "Who said I was not hitting her in the face?"

At the beginning, the company wanted to support Yan Weiyang and tied him and Yan Weiyang to fry CP. It was disgusting!

Just forget it, that **** Yan Weiyang, in order to maintain his pure image, deliberately pretended to be like him chasing her.

Oh shit!

Is Lao Tzu's vision so bad? It made him want to vomit when he saw a woman during that time!

But the company was protecting Yan Weiyang and strongly ordered him not to clarify!

As a result, he took her up, and before she went abroad to develop, she even provoke him cruelty, saying that he had been waiting for her return without regret.

Pooh! The woman in the world is dead, and the little master can't look down on that woman.

Disgusting white lotus!

He actually wanted him to help her canvass votes. He didn't directly blackmail her to save face.

Han Luoqi was full of disdain. At the beginning, his position in Emperor Entertainment was unstable and could not resist, but now...

If Di Yu dares to force him, he will stop doing it and go to Xia Weibao.

Anyway, with his reputation, he no longer needs to be attached to any big company.

Xiao Zhou wiped his sweat on the sidelines, my good brother, even if you don't like Yan Weiyang, you don't have to scold him so hard.

If you let your fans hear these national curses, it would ruin your image.

Xiao Zhou deeply felt that Han Luoqi and Xia Weibao might have an unclear blood relationship.

Both of them are the same thing!

Pretending to be sacred and inviolable in front of fans like a goddess, but in private...

Hey, it's hard to say.

Seeing Han Luoqi, who was always cold, actually interacted with fans in person in order to canvass Xia Weibao, Yan Weiyang looked like a devil.

Block the heart and block the lungs.

At this moment, Lu Huashan also sent Weibo to canvass for Xia Weibao.

Yan Weiyang almost spit out blood!

It is no longer as simple as blocking the heart and lungs, she feels that the internal organs are almost blocked!

Blocked to constipation!

Of course, her expression at this time is indeed very constipated.

It is understandable for Han Luoqi to canvass for Xia Weibao. After all, Han Luoqi is a male and will not participate in this beauty list competition.

But Lu Huashan is female, and she is third, right behind Xia Weibao.

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