Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 821: Fruit exposure

It can be said that Xia Weibao is Lu Huashan's biggest competitor!

But Lu Huashan did not canvass for herself, but canvassed for competitors!

Yan Weiyang turned black for a while, almost fainting.

The same sect brother and elder sister canvassed her competitors, which is tantamount to slap her in the face!

She couldn't help but couldn't force those two people to canvass for her votes, right?

She is not so capable yet.

Shanshan is the cutest V: My goddess said, if you can get 200,000 votes in one day, give me one, my dear corals, the happiness of sister depends on you~ [picture jpg.]

The photo is a group photo of her and Xia Weibao during the filming of "Allure".

She wears women's clothes, Xia Weibao's men's clothes, handsome men and beautiful women!

It caused a scream instantly!

The lily powder screamed, as if seeing the setting sun and lilies blooming.

Lu Huashan is very satisfied with her Weibo.

Since her brother paid attention to Xia Weibao, the number of votes has skyrocketed.

Today, it was announced that Xia Weibao is the endorsement of Lu's jewelry and clothing. With so many celebrity friends canvassing votes, the rise is very strong.

It is estimated that it can rise by three to four hundred thousand in one day, that is to say, the baby's daddy is already in hand hahaha!

Beautiful Shanshan is very excited, and she can already imagine her brother's gloomy expression when Xia Weibao kissed her.

Just think about it.

At that time, she must record it and play it every day in front of her brother. It is so **** at him.

Emma calm down, don't get overwhelmed, and continue to canvass for votes.

Xia Weibao sat on the sofa, eating spicy strips and swiping Weibo.

She doesn't have many friends in the entertainment circle now, and they are all members of the crew of "Allure" and "Despair".

She asked them to canvass for the man, but she did not call for the woman.

After all, women also have to compete for the list.

But she didn't want to, she didn't call, but they took the initiative to canvass for her.

Yin Guo, Qiao Li, Li Xiaofei and so on.

Even Yin Mulan took the initiative to canvass for her.

Yin Mulan has a high international status in the dance world, and her help in canvassing votes is not trivial!

What surprised her most was that Lu Huashan actually helped her canvass votes.

As far as Lu Huashan is concerned, she is the biggest competitor.

It's just that, watching Lu Huashan's Weibo, why do you want to laugh so much.

She went to tweeted other people's Weibo again, and found that there is so much love.

Especially Han Luoqi's Weibo, the picture below, I'll go, why did he send such a cowardly picture?

When filming "Desperate" was relatively rushed, Xu Jiayang had a high demand for finishing a film within a month.

The process can be said to be very compact, with almost no rest time.

Even if there is no time to eat, whoever's shot has passed, quickly take the time to eat.

So I just took a box of lunch and just squatted to eat.

At the time, I thought it was nothing, but looking back now, it really looks like jail time.

Seeing how happy those people canvassed for votes, Xia Weibao felt that she should also post on Weibo for canvassing.

Reaching out and touching his chin, his smile suddenly became evil.

Leng Yan shuddered in fright when he saw her expression.

This old witch-like smile is so scared.

Xia Weibao clicked on his Weibo homepage and posted Weibo calmly.

Xia Weibao V: Up to 500,000 votes in two days, they sent fruit photos @韩洛麒@何东东@齐铭[picture jpg.]

Below is a picture of a macho with a naked upper body. I found it on the Internet. The character in the picture can’t see his face. He clenched his hands into fists and put his arms on his side. Actions that show a sense of muscle strength.

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