Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 831: How many years have been raped, I have a psychological preparation

Obviously, a certain baby overestimated his level of understanding of modern technology.

Xia Shi stood up, "I'll go."

Seeing Xia Shi push the door in, Xia Weibao smiled softly at her.

Seeing Xia Weibao under the camera is already charming enough, and now seeing a real person, even Xia Shi was bewitched by her smile and missed a beat.

I have to admit that there is really a kind of woman in this world, so beautiful that men and women can kill each other!

Xia Shi connected the camera, and then picked up the camera. She was adjusting the angle the whole time.

It's not the same if there is a dedicated person. The camera is aimed at Xia Weibao's delicate hands.

What kind of hands are this.

Ten fingers green onion, slender and slender.

The skin is as white as snow, and the skin is as delicate as transparent. The ice is the skin and the jade is the bone. This is not just a description in the book. There are really human hands, as beautiful as ice muscle and bones.

Against the background of the black inkstone, it was as white as a moist glow.

The nails are neatly manicured, glowing with a healthy pale pink, like a crystal clear crystal.

At first, some people didn't want to look at calligraphy, but when they looked at these hands, they were all dumbfounded.

——Baby's beautiful hands are more beautiful

——Oh my god, it’s really a violent thing to not make a hand model with such a hand

-Meimeimei, can the baby take a set of pictures of your hand, and prepare to lick it every night before going to bed

——Hand-controlled welfare, how can a person be so perfect!

Barrage Supermarket offers buy one get one free at a special price. The refresh speed is so fast that only the afterimage can be seen, and it is impossible to see what is written.

There is only one word, very clear, and that is beauty.

Because the frequency of this word is too high!

In the office of the president of Lu's Group, Lu Hualiang sat at his desk, watching the live broadcast on the computer, his eyes darkened.

Seeing those people frantically scrolling through the barrage, he felt an uncomfortable feeling that his selfishly hidden treasure was coveted by others.

I want to hide her more and more.

Lu Hualiang even thought secretly, should he also plan an incident of Xia Weibao being hacked three years ago?

In this way, she can quit the entertainment circle permanently and be exclusive to him alone.

Of course, this kind of idea can only be thought of.

His wife is an eagle and has her own sky soaring.

If you take her back to the feathers hard, it won't be her.

His eyes, fixed on those hands, are really beautiful.

Every part of Xia Weibao's body was centered on the red heart.

Watching those white and plain hands grinding, and watching, he felt a little dry.

As if I saw the feeling when my hands were touching my body...

At this moment, Xia Weibao raised his head and smiled at the camera.

The fireworks are on throughout March, just for you to smile.

Lu Hualiang found sadly that he reacted...

Just smile across the screen like this, and he can actually stir up his emotions...

Not just her, almost everyone in front of the screen reacted this way.

——Oh my God, I can't look directly at the baby's face, it's almost bent into a mosquito coil and it's swollen!

——Don’t, don’t look at me, I'm already...hard...why!

——I’ll check how many years I’ve been in rape, and I’m mentally prepared

——Already on the road of crime

——Group to steal the baby, is there one together?

-+1 together

-Together +2

——Together +3


-Together +10086

The empress empress at this time didn't know how foul her smile was, and how many people seduce to commit crimes.

She put the rice paper on the table, then picked up the brush and began to write.

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