Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 832: The first talented girl!

"In an uproar to take favor, it is so mysterious."

Yan Weiyang, who was also watching the live broadcast, said disdainfully.

Contempt in his eyes.

When I first heard that Xia Weibao was going to open a live canvassing campaign, she was still a little worried, but now, there is no worry at all.

Is calligraphy so easy to learn? Looking at the entire Huaxia, there is a little accomplished in calligraphy, which is not a bad old man in his seventies or eighties.

The youngest member of the Calligraphy Department of the Chinese Studies Association is also in his 40s or 50s.

Huaxia calligraphy is extensive and profound, and requires a very strong foundation and heritage, which ordinary people cannot learn.

Especially in modern society, everyone is holding a signature pen. How many people can handle that fluffy brush?

Calligraphy has long been outdated.

Although it is the quintessence of the Chinese culture, young people don't like to learn. All the artists of the older generation are still a little bit tired. After the death of the seniors of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, it is estimated that Chinese calligraphy will decline.

Xia Weibao, a female star in her early twenties, actually performs calligraphy, ha ha.

Yan Weiyang sneered, waiting for Xia Weibao's embarrassment.

He Xin also had an indifferent expression. She had taken Xia Weibao for two years. It was still clear how much Xia Weibao had, and she had never seen her write any calligraphy.

It's just an uproar.

Perform three-legged cat kung fu, or use a funny way to please fans, which is a common method used by many celebrities.

Anyway, even if she writes as a ghost painting amulet, there will be a lot of brain fans in pursuit.

However, when Xia Weibao started writing, both of them changed their faces.

Even if they don't understand calligraphy, they can see that Xia Weibao writes very well.

Everyone's aesthetic ability is innate, and beauty is a very intuitive enjoyment.

There is no need to study calligraphy. The written characters are beautiful and look comfortable, but they are beautiful.

Obviously, all the fans who watched the live broadcast at the beginning had the same opinion as Yan Weiyang, thinking that Xia Weibao was just an impromptu performance.

I never thought that she was really good at calligraphy!

So when Xia Weibao wrote the four characters "Love Me China", everyone was shocked.

The crazy barrage also appeared blank for a moment.

It is not the card machine, but everyone forgot to swipe the barrage.

After a while, the barrage went crazy again!

Xia Weibao’s face appeared in front of the screen and was crazy!

——Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, my treasure is so good, so well written! ! !

——Oh my God, in this era when calligraphy is generally declining, the baby can actually write such a good handwriting, and he kneels!

——I just thought about sleeping with the baby, now I just want to kneel down and call Dad!

——I’ve always used a pen to type on the keyboard. After reading it, I was so envious that I wanted to learn calligraphy

——Too charming. Really, the moment I saw Xia Weibao pick up the pen, there was a kind of lofty ambition in my chest suddenly, am I crazy?

——This is the charm of Chinese traditional culture. It is so proud to see someone write such a good national quintessence!

——Have you noticed that Xia Weibao has a really deep understanding of traditional culture, classical dance, ancient style songs, and now calligraphy?

—— Talented woman, this is the real talented woman, and the first talented woman is Xia Weibao!

Seeing Xia Weibao's live broadcast went viral, Yan Weiyang felt like something.

Can't help but complain, "Will you just write a few words? What's so great? Now who else writes **** writing brushes, will you fall behind?"

Originally, she just wanted to vent her dissatisfaction, just a few words.

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