Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 854: Three chicken accident

I accompanied Xia Shi to run the announcement all day, Xia Weibao was too tired to move.

But it is very fulfilling.

Lu Hualiang is on a business trip, so he doesn't have to rush home after get off work.

She drove to the residence of the chicken-eating trio, always feeling that the three of them were not at ease at the same time.

The three people used to live in a mental hospital.

Cough cough, the brain circuit of the three people is a bit weird. They said that the mental hospital does not need to spend money, so they pretend to be insane to eat and drink...

Later, she accepted these three as little brothers, and to prove that she was the boss, she rented them an apartment.

I drove downstairs to the apartment, took the elevator upstairs, and found that the door was closed.

I rang the doorbell and no one opened the door.

The house was rented by Xia Weibao, she had the key, opened the door and found that there was no one inside.

It's clean and tidy, with very few things inside.

Xia Weibao glanced at the furnishings in the room, his gaze fell on the black sofa in the center of the living room, covered with a layer of white dust.

Reached out and touched it a little. With this thickness, no one has been living for at least ten days.

The eyebrows are twisted together tightly, "What's the matter."

Where did they go?

Is it already gone?

This possibility is very high. After all, the three of them are famous killers on the road, so how can they always succumb to her.

Between them, it was actually a verbal agreement to let them do things for her. As for the poison given to them at the beginning, it was just ordinary chocolate beans.

If they want to leave, she has no reason to stop them.

When I was about to turn around and leave, I found a piece of writing paper on the table.

Xia Weibao frowned and walked over to pick it up.

"Boss, when you see this note, it means that we have already found out that we have left. Thank you for your care during this time. See you in the fate."

Coming out of the apartment, Xia Weibao was a little frustrated.

It's really gone.

Why was there some loss in my heart? She thought that they had some feelings between them and they were friends.

But I didn't want to. People didn't treat her as a friend at all, and even left without saying goodbye.

Even a message was sent to her.

If it wasn't that she was worried and found it by herself, maybe she never knew that they had left completely, right?

Sitting in the car, a little lost.

Alas, I can't bear these three people, so cute three chickens.

It is fun to play games together.

Hope to see you later.

I stepped on the accelerator and went home.

Feeling a little depressed, after eating and playing a game, the pit sister lost again.

She threw the phone and started to read the script.

Lu Hualiang called when he saw ten o'clock.

He seemed to be very busy, said a few words to her in a hurry, then hung up after saying goodnight.

Xia Weibao was a little gloomy and couldn't see the script anymore, and fell asleep as soon as the quilt covered his head.

The phone was thrown aside and forgot to turn it off.

At three o'clock in the morning, the phone rang suddenly.

Sleeping in a daze, got up and grabbed the phone, Xia Weibao cursed the caller that disturbed the dream three hundred times!

Sleeping soundly and being awakened by someone is really unfriendly, so remember to turn off your phone next time you sleep!

The caller showed that it was a big chicken, and she frowned.

Didn't they leave, why did they call her again?

He yawned sleepily, then lay back under the covers to answer the phone.

It is winter now. Although the heating is on in the room, it is still cold without the quilt.

"Hey, chicken, do you have anything to do with me."

"Boss, please save the third sister."

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