Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 855: Twelve shots in the body!

Daji's voice was very anxious, shivering and crying.

Xia Weibao was completely sleepy, "What did you say?!"

When I arrived at the apartment overnight, Daji was already waiting for her downstairs.

Under the dimly yellow street lamp, the tall man was walking back and forth eagerly, his figure stretched out, lonely and vicissitudes of life.

Seeing Xia Weibao's car approaching, Daji was overjoyed and rushed up.

Xia Weibao jumped out of the car with a grim face, "What's the matter!"

As he talked, he walked in, so fast that he could hardly keep up.

"The third sister was shot. It is very serious. We dare not send it to the hospital for the gunshot wound."

It is against the law to hold a gun in the country, and there is no way to explain the wounds in the body.

And they are too dangerous now. If they go to the hospital, they might be dead on the way.

Another point is that the injury was too serious, and it is estimated that it will not be saved if he is sent to the hospital.

Xia Weibao's medical skills are the best they have ever seen. If Xia Weibao can't be saved, then there is really no way to recover.

"What's going on, why did you get shot!"

Xia Weibao was furious, ordinary people couldn't touch the gun, what did they do!

Daji pursed his lips and said nothing, obviously not wanting to speak.

When I came upstairs, I smelled a strong smell of blood just after entering the door.

Xia Weibao suffocated his breath. With such a heavy smell of blood, how much blood had to bleed!

When I came to the room, I saw Sanji lying on the bed, lifeless, all the clothes on his body were stained red with blood, and even the sheets were covered with blood, just like a blood man!

The legs of the second chicken are also bright red, and the blood color on a certain part of the calf is particularly deep, and there is a steady stream of blood flowing out of it.

Apparently, he also suffered a gunshot wound.

Xia Weibao ignored the Second Chicken, things were priorities, and now the most important thing is the Third Chicken!

When I saw that body injury, I took a breath!

Two shots in the abdomen, four shots in the chest, and one shot almost hit the mark!

Twelve shots were shot in the legs, arms, shoulders, and all over the body!

Xia Weibao was so angry that he slapped Daji's face with a backhand, "What the **** did you do!"

Twelve shots, twelve shots!

This is to use people as targets!

Da Ji Shengsheng received the slap of her, and he did not dare to show off.

It was his fault, he didn't protect the third sister.

"Get out!"

Xia Weibao didn't bother to care about these two people now. He threw the small backpack on the bed and reached out to check Sanji's breath.

Her breath was so weak that she couldn't detect it, and if her pulse were still beating weakly, she would have thought she was dead.

Quickly took out the silver needle, sealed her major acupoints, and stopped the bleeding first.

Big chicken and two chickens guarded the door nervously, pale, with cold hands and feet.

The chicken slid along the wall and sat on the cold floor, with his hands inserted between his hair, and his throat whimpered like a trapped beast.

There is no rescue, such a serious injury, there is no rescue.

He has seen the wounds of the third sister, four shots in the chest alone are enough to kill!

After so long, the blood ran so much, even if he didn't die under the gun, the blood ran out.

He really deserves to die, because he didn't protect the third sister.

Although the three brothers are not related by blood, they have lived on each other for more than ten years, and they are better than relatives if they are not relatives.

Thinking of the third sister leaving him, he felt like a devil lived in his heart, wanting to die with those people!

Erji was limping on one leg and leaning against the wall with a pale face. He was in a daze. Obviously he couldn't accept this fact.

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