Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 856: My boss is amazing!

Just when the two were anxious, the room door suddenly opened.

Xia Weibao hurriedly walked out, then closed the door.

Without even looking at these two people, he turned his head and ran out.

Daji and Erjimian looked at each other, not knowing where she was going.

The door was closed by her, and they didn't dare to go in and see the situation.

Can only wait outside.

Xia Weibao didn't even drive the car, and directly flew to the genius doctor's office with light effort.

Although I drove fast, the road was winding and winding, and I didn’t know how much time was wasted when I went back.

She flew over the wall and walked into the path, much faster.

No one saw it at night.

Go back to the genius doctor's office, quickly sweep the equipment and medicinal materials you need, then pack and roll away.

He hurried back to the apartment, did not look at the two men in front of the door, threw them a small package, then stepped into the room and kicked the door.

The whole time was cold like a hades face, and strangers should not come near.

Big Chicken caught the parcel that Xia Weibao had thrown over, and opened it. Inside, there was a scalpel, some ointment, and gauze.

He let Erji sit on the sofa, then took the scalpel and helped him dig out the bullet.

There was no anesthetic, and the pain made the two chicken's faces pale, and cold sweat on his forehead kept dripping, but he clenched his teeth and said nothing.

After the bullet was dug out, the second chicken also collapsed, convulsing with pain, and fell on the sofa.

Daji turned over the package that Xia Weibao had thrown over, and there was no disinfectant.

He is a little embarrassed. If such a serious wound is bandaged without disinfection, it will definitely be infected, and then it will be troublesome.

But Xia Weibao gave Chinese medicine, not western medicine. He didn't know if he could buy disinfectant by himself.

If the drugs conflict, it will be even more troublesome.

"Brother, it's okay, just apply the medicine."

Erji gritted his teeth and said, he believed in Xia Weibao's medical skills.

Her medical skills were different from what they are now, but since they only gave them one ointment, it means that nothing else is needed.

Big chicken gritted his teeth and could only take a gamble.

Picking up a scalpel and picking up a black ointment, I don't know what kind of medicinal material it is made of. It smells very pungent.

The wound after the bullet was dug out was hideous, **** and bloody, and looked terrifying.

As soon as the ointment was applied, Erji's body was convulsed with pain, and he collapsed on the sofa, convulsing constantly.

The chicken was taken aback and dare not wipe it again.

"Second brother, how are you?"

Erji was so distressed that he couldn't hear him at all.

Daji Liushen Wuzhu was so frightened that he hurriedly took the ointment and put it on the tip of his nose and sniffed it. The stimulation made him almost vomit.

The face is full of worry, this ointment, is it expired?

Just as this thought fell, Erji suddenly fell silent, blinked and kicked.

"It doesn't hurt anymore."

Big chicken's eyes widened, **** it, isn't it, so amazing!

The second chicken kicked again, "It really doesn't hurt anymore, it's cool and comfortable."

My boss is amazing!

Upon seeing this, the chicken hurriedly pressed his leg, "Don't move around, the wound will bleed."

While talking, I picked a large pile of ointment to apply on, and then bandaged it.

The second chicken sat on the sofa and waited while the big chicken waited at the door of the room.

Staring closely at the door, a humble hope rises.

One ointment is so amazing, the boss, she should be able to save the third sister, right?

She is a genius doctor, if even she can't help it, then...

Daji didn't dare to think further.

The wait is long.

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