Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 857: Wonder doctor is the world!

Especially this kind of waiting for life and death.

Xia Weibao didn't come out all night, and the sky showed a white fish belly, and the sun shattered the clouds and sprinkled on the ground, the door of the room was still closed.

There was silence in the apartment, a long silence.

It's eight o'clock, five hours.

Daji looked at the already crumbling second chicken on the sofa, and walked over, "Second brother, you should go take a rest first, I can just wait."

Erji shook his head, "I'm not tired, eldest brother, I am here to watch, you go buy some breakfast and come back, the boss must be very tired after a busy night."

Daji thought for a while and went out to buy breakfast.

Soon after he left, Xia Weibao opened the door and threw out a pack of medicinal materials blankly.

"Two bowls of water are heated and boiled into one bowl."

After speaking, he closed the door again.

Erji took the medicine and saw Xia Weibao's face pale, eyes full of fatigue, and guilt in his heart.

After Daji came back, he saw him making medicine and hurriedly went over to ask about the situation.

However, Erji didn't know, Xia Weibao said nothing.

The two waited while boiling the medicine, but Daji hesitated whether to knock on the door and let Xia Weibao eat breakfast.

However, dare not go.

Xia Weibao looked terrible at this time.

He fears.

In the ward, Xia Weibao held the silver needle in his hand and rubbed his eyebrows tiredly.

The phone rang. It was Xia Shi's call. She had an announcement today, and there was more than one.

Looking at the pale woman on the bed, she hasn't escaped the danger yet, and she definitely can't leave now.

Can only get through the phone, "Sister Xia Shi."

Unable to hide fatigue in the hoarse voice.

"What's wrong with you, uncomfortable?"

"It's a little uncomfortable, Sister Xia Shi, can I take a day off?"

There was silence on the phone for a while, "Is it uncomfortable? Is it serious? Do you want me to accompany you to the doctor."

"No need, little question, just take a break."

"Well then, I pushed today's announcement, and you have a good rest."

"Thank you Sister Xia Shi."

Xia Weibao is a little apologetic. She seems to be not a competent star.

"Okay, take a good rest." Xia Shi finished speaking and hung up the phone.

Xia Weibao continued to give Sanji acupuncture and dig bullets.

He was shot four times in the chest and lost too much blood, which was too dangerous.

It was not until two hours later that she opened the door and came out, and the medicine was ready.

She took it in.

When I came out again, it was already 12 o'clock at noon, and my face was exhausted.

Daji and Erji hurriedly greeted them, "Boss, how is the third sister?"

Xia Weibao glanced at them lightly, "Fate is saved, but people have not yet woken up."

Erji's legs leaned on the wall, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

Daji almost knelt to Xia Weibao!

The genius doctor, the real genius doctor!

Before, he had no idea about genius doctors, but now he has truly seen what a real genius doctor is!

Four shots in the chest, two shots in the abdomen, twelve shots all over the body!

I was rescued from such a serious injury!

Daji Tangtang 7-foot man couldn't help but his eyes were red, and he was so kind and unrequited!

Xia Weibao's face was pale, Qingdai was very obvious now, and his face was exhausted.

For eight hours in a row, the iron beaten body couldn't hold it.

Eat a little breakfast, and then find a room to sleep.

Daji quickly changed the bed so that she could sleep.

Xia Weibao slept very deep this time, and was called to come over at three in the morning and was not asleep.

It lasted for another eight hours to save people, and was completely exhausted.

This time, I went to bed until ten o'clock in the evening.

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