Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 859: Man from hell

"However, we are fully prepared, but the person who came in was not the gang boss, but Nan Yi!"

When he said the name, Daji shivered, his hands and feet were cold, and his eyes were full of panic.

My throat seemed to be choked by fear, and I couldn't say a word.

Xia Weibao was still waiting for his next words, but didn't want Daji's body to be more and more shaking, his face was getting more and more frightened, and his pupils kept shrinking.

This is a manifestation of extreme horror, and has even fallen into a demon.

Xia Weibao stood up hurriedly and tapped a certain point on his body.

Only then did Daji come back to his senses, with cold sweat on his forehead and sweat on his back.

"Who is Nan Yi?" Xia Weibao asked.

Anyone who has such a terrible deterrence, just mentioning this person can be frightened like hell.

"Nan Yi is the person in charge of the Nanguo Group, and the Nanguo Group is the king of the dark world in the Americas, and its power is unfathomable.

Nan Yi created an era of the Nanguo Group. He was a man from hell. Rumor has it that he was a weird man. He was abnormal and invulnerable. It was frightening. No one dared to provoke him.

When he came in, he realized that we had to deal with him, and we also realized that it was not good, and wanted to escape.

The two sides exchanged fire. There were ten of us in the private room, and he was alone.

We all had guns in our hands, and he was bare-handed, and we couldn't beat all of us.

That's really a weirdo, he can catch bullets with his bare hands!

Not only that, the three snipers outside saw that something was wrong, and they immediately sniped remotely, but they were all caught by him.

What's more terrifying is that he can still hit the caught bullet back empty-handed.

He was so fast, we didn't even see how he did it, we were all beaten to the ground.

People lurking outside rushed in to rescue, but they were caught in a pot.

We suffered heavy losses that time. Five people died. Although the remaining fifteen people escaped by chance, all of them were seriously injured.

When we escaped, we encountered an ambush. "

Speaking of this, the big chicken exudes a strong hatred, and the second chicken is also like a Rakshasa!

Both of them were extremely emotional, and the killing intent in their eyes was so strong that they almost turned into substance!

Xia Weibao said nothing, waiting for him to continue.

Daji didn't make a sound, and Erji answered, "The man who ambushed us at the time was the gang boss we wanted to kill!

It wasn't until that moment that we knew that we were in the game. It turned out that it was a conspiracy by the gang boss from start to finish. He fell in love with the third sister, but knew that our organization was strong, so he killed people with the knife!

Explicitly paying a high price to let us assassinate him, in fact, it led us to Nan Yi and used Nan Yi's hand to kill him!

The boss of the gang was called Bai Xiang, an international gang, not big or small, he led people to ambush us.

At that time, all of our brothers were seriously injured under Nan Yi's hand and were vulnerable. In the end, they all died..."

Having said this, Erji looked painful, holding his head with both hands, fingers inserted between his hair, and a low whimper in his throat.

The brothers who were born and died, the famous killer organization on the road ended, and disappeared overnight.

That person from Nan Yi is really terrible, he is not a normal person at all!

They didn't hate Nan Yi, nor dared to hate it. After all, they were caught in the trick of the white elephant and provoke the monster by themselves.

They hate the white elephant!

I can't wait to skin him cramps to pieces!

"What happened later." Xia Weibao felt heavy.

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