Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 860: Get up and become a demon! 1

It was a painful experience to watch his brother die in front of him.

The big chicken took a deep breath, "The white elephant went on a killing spree, and the third younger sister desperately protected me and the second chicken to escape. The white elephant fancyed the third younger sister and planned such a big conspiracy to get her. Naturally, she would not kill her. She fought to death and saved us both.

We simply dealt with the injury and went back to find her, but she was taken away.

After half a month, we finally found the place where the white elephant held her and sneaked in to rescue people.

When we found her, she was already crazy. "

Daji closed his eyes and hid the tears inside.

That's the pain they never want to remember.

Erji answered, "The third sister is crazy, one body is injured, the head is severely injured, the leg is broken, and the body is beaten with a lot of hallucinogens, tortured into a human form.

We don't know what kind of torture she has experienced in the past half month. We took her to seek medical treatment and traveled almost all over the world, only to clear the virus from her body and cure her mental illness, but her IQ was only five years old.

We thought at the time, five-year-old should be five years old, and it would be better for the two of us to love her forever than remembering that painful past.

So we planned to assassinate the white elephant and avenge the brothers.

At that time, it was discovered that the gang organization of the White Elephant had been destroyed, and it was said that it was destroyed by Nan Yi.

Nan Yi discovered his plot to kill with a knife and single-handedly wiped out an international gang. This incident caused panic on the road.

At that time, we focused on treating the third sister, and almost faded out of the dark world, so we didn't know.

When the enemy dies, we can be regarded as revenge, and then we half quit the dark world, taking the third sister to play everywhere, occasionally taking some simple tasks to earn extra money, until we meet you..."

After the second chicken said, he gave Xia Weibao a vague look.

In fact, they have been wandering around these years and have no fixed homes. Basically, they will not stay in one place for more than a month.

All of him stayed in the imperial city for half a year, not because he was afraid of Xia Weibao's poison. The medical technology is so advanced now that even the virus can be solved, let alone the poison.

I stayed because Sanji seemed to like to stick to Xia Weibao. She waited for Xia Weibao's call with her mobile phone every day. She seemed very happy when she was with Xia Weibao.

They feel sorry for their sister and naturally accommodate her.

After hearing their stories, Xia Weibao felt that there was a fire in it, and there was nowhere to vent it, burning her internal organs!

Want to do something to quell her anger!

She is a doctor. Naturally, it can be seen that Sanji is not born with mental retardation, but must be subject to external stimulation.

However, she didn't want to interfere with other people's affairs, so she didn't care.

Now that I hear, in addition to distressed, distressed.

For half a month, a girl was imprisoned for half a month, and she couldn't imagine what would happen.

What kind of darkness has gone through that drives a person crazy!

Thinking of Xia Weibao once was driven to madness, this feeling was like countless vines entwining her heart, nowhere to vent.

"Then what happened this time, why was she hurt."

Daji and Erji looked at each other.

Daji said, "Half a month ago, we met a man in the underground casino of the Imperial City, the White Elephant."

Xia Weibao was startled first, then murderously, "Didn't you say that he is dead?"

"The gang of the White Elephant was indeed destroyed by Nan Yi. As for why the White Elephant escaped, we don't know."

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